Chapter I

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I walked through the hall, when a messenger came up to me and told me to meet Chaos in the throne room. I thanked the boy, but apparently he wasn't done talking to me, because he handed me something. It was the silver crown Chaos wanted me to wear. I was supposed to wear it all the time, to make the people aware of my status, but I couldn't handle it. So instead I left it in my room, to let it be covered in dust, but Chaos clearly didn't approve it. I sighed and took the crown, but it wasn't until after I had put it on that the messenger seemed satisfied and left.

I walked to the throne room and entered through the big doors. What I found inside, was something I didn't expect. Around the table sat a few high commanders, Chaos himself, his four children and some of my friends, who had joined Chaos' army just like I had. It was unexpected, but I had had five hundred years to learn myself how to disguise my expressions and keep a blank face for most of the time. My hard work paid off. In the army I was known for this, as it seemed like nothing could ever affect me. They were wrong. It did affect me, sometimes even so hard I had to keep myself from breaking all Hades in my room, but I just never showed. They called me the Medusa Victim. My expressions were like stone, never changing.

I took my place at the end of the table. As soon I as sat down, Chaos stood up. 'Thank you for coming,' he said. 'We're here to discuss the new mission. As most of you were already told, this mission is urgent and cannot be delayed any more than it already has.' 
'Where does it take place?' Rho asked. 
'I first want to discuss the amount of people going there,' Chaos answered. 
'What planet are we going to, Chaos?' Rho asked, a little more determined. 
Chaos sighed and looked down for a moment. When he answered, he looked me straight in the eye. 'Earth.' I felt the wings on my back crumple. That was as much as I could take. 
'I'm not going,' I said with a complete blank expression. 
'Phi, please..' Chaos tried. 
I got up, hard. 'I said,.. I'm not going.' 
With that I turned around, walking straight through the opened doors, not bothering to look back.


As the years passed by, I saw Phi loose a little of his emotions every day. I had heard the rumours. I knew Phi was nicknamed the Medusa Victim, because his expression never changed. But the soldiers in the army didn't know his story like I did. I know that this was still my friend. This was the guy who basically sacrificed his life to the gods, and still hadn't given enough.
As I sat at the table, I prepared myself for the night. Not because there would be so much damage needed to be repaired, but for the deafening silence. It's what scared me the most with Phi. He used to be full of life, but since that day he had retreated inside himself. So when I would spend the afternoon and night with him and the other Warriors, you'd only here the voices of those who dared to speak. Of course, there have been times when his mask cracked, and a little of his old self shone through, but it happened rarely.

I heard Chaos answer my question and my eyes immediately went to Phi, because I knew he would refuse.
'I'm not going,' Phi said, and I saw his beautiful black and silvergreen wings crumple a little. Chaos tried to reason with him, but Phi got up and repeated his answer. This was one of the moments when his expressions would show in something that would be visible forever and everyone would understand the meaning of it.
Normally an expression is only visible for a moment, in the blink of an eye, but with Phi, you knew things were messed up when you found a black feather with green linings. That was a sign to make you realize that it didn't matter how bad the situation already was, or when you thought things couldn't get worse than they already were. Because that feather told us all Hades was about to break loose.
The other people noticed the feather on the ground too, and I didn't have to guess what they were thinking about. Last time Phi lost one of those feathers, half of the Royal Palace was destroyed and Phi had been gone for three weeks. After three weeks he simply walked in through the door of the Palace and announced he was back. He never spoke about it, but everyone started to be a lot more careful around him.

Every human being who was alive, and wanted to stay that way, scrambled from their places, running from the throne room, as far away as possible. Chaos’ children flashed out of the throne room, not bothering to tell us where they were going. Even Chaos himself looked scared. To say my friends were afraid, was an understatement. We were downward terrified. 
‘Can you go after him?’ Chaos asked me. I blinked, not quite getting the question, until the realisation hit me. 
‘Are you out of your goddamn mind?’ I said, not bothering to think twice who I was speaking to. 
‘Please Rho, I can’t go. He would blast me to death. Literally..’ Chaos whispered. 
I sighed, ran a hand through my hair and said something that made me regret like I never did before. ‘Fine,’ I said. ‘But don’t expect him to be all happy about the idea when I return.’ Little did I know it was way worse.

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