Chapter 9: Binds of Hex and Heaven

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//Might change the title later.. Vote. Comment. Thanks. (:

Ouch. Oriel's eyes had widened in horror, pain twisting her features. Ash had begun to smirk, and it was scaring Oriel. She was trying hard to find her Ashton underneath it, but she felt so far away from her now. "Look, I'm sorry for that.." Oriel began blinking away tears.

"It's too late to be sorry isn't it!?" Ash's hand enclosed on Oriel's throat and Oriel's eyes rolled back into her head. She gripped Ash's wrist tighter and twisted it harshly. Ash cried out in pain and Oriel kneed her in the stomach. Ash dropped Oriel to reposition her wrist and Oriel took this time to scramble to her feet, gasping for breath as she made her way out of the room. "You little bitch!" Oriel ducked as Ash hurled the bedpost at her, barely missing her. With all of her training and now vampire speed and strength she knew Ash would be almost impossible to fight. Running was her best chance right now. She raced down the hall and down the stairs and made her way back down another hallway and slipped into a spare room. She noticed a vase of flowers on the table and waved them around, tossing them around and suddenly she remembered there was a vase of flowers in the room she had found Ash in. She rose a brow and smiled, developing an idea. Quickly, she made her way in and out of the rooms, noticing there was a vase in each one, lavender flowers in each. She did the same to those as the previous vase, knowing her own scent was floral, she hoped maybe this would confuse Ash's senses.

She ripped up a piece of the wooden floorboards beneath her to try and make a weapon for herself.

Unfortunately, she didn't have any holy water and so she knew it wouldn't harm her. But if she could get some type of incapacitating blow then maybe they could tie her up long enough to find a cure for whatever brainwashing Scarlett had done. She ran down the hallway and into another room and hid in the closet.

"You can't run from me Oriella. I'm just as fast as you, remember?" Ash inhaled deeply, seeking out Oriel's lavender scent as she made her way through the large mansion. She tried her best to follow her it but as she made her way into one of the lower level hallways, it was like Oriel was everywhere. She growled. "Dammit!" She ran a hand through her hair. "That's clever but no worries, I'll just check every room until I find you!" She called down the hallway and ran into the first room. "You can't hide forever." She threw the bed across the room and tossed the dresser aside and checked the closet. As she went through each room her anger only grew as she ended up without Oriel. "God, remind me never to play hide and seek with you again..fuck!" She chuckled, snarling as she walked into the last room. "Ah, I hear a heartbeat. Finally." Ash smirked as she walked over to the closet, unable to contain her excitement. It was weird. It was like she knew Oriel deeply but she also didn't and now all she felt like doing was ripping her to pieces. Yet, as her hands moved to open the closet door, she felt the remnants of a passion they shared.

Oriel braced herself as Ash opened the closet door and she lunged at her, stabbing the splintered floorboard into Ash's shoulder and she drove it into the floor as hard as she could, holding her there. Ash cried out in pain, gritting her teeth as she glared up at Oriel. She growled menacingly at her, still trying to reach for her. It pained Oriel to watch. It was like she was only an animal consumed by bloodlust to go after its prey. Oriel struggled to hold back tears. Scarlett had obviously compelled her to kill her somehow. She wondered what the punishment would be if she didn't do as she was told. Since finding Ash was a bust, Oriel knew she had to find her group again, maybe Rique could help her contain Ash. Oriel walked around Ash, careful to move out of the way of her reaching arms. "No! Get back here!" Ash cried out and Oriel sucked in a deep breath as she closed the door. "No! Someone..Scarlett help me!" Oriel rolled her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks again. Of course, she's calling for her. Oriel fought to keep herself together as sorrow turned into anger. She'd make sure Scarlett died that night. Even if she had to kill her herself. Oriel hurried down the hallway, seeking out Rique's scent and she caught his wolfy musk shortly. There seemed to be an all out brawl going on in the living room that stretched to the kitchen and down another hall. Oriel found Rique face deep in a vampire's throat again. "Someone's enjoying themselves, huh?"

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