Chapter 8: We're At The Blood Eclipse

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//Apologies for the lateness.. I've been extremely busy lately. Vote. Comment. Thanks. (:

Oriel could barely open her eyes, tired as she hung by a pair of chains wrapped tight around her wrists. She felt like her life was slowly being drained out of her and that was exactly what was happening. Looking to her left arm she could see a tube leading over to a few pouches used for blood bags sitting on a table. Her eyes widened slightly as she noticed she was being drained of her blood. Was this what happened to her mother? Was she in this exact same spot? Oriel clenched her teeth, tears pricking her eyes and she swallowed as she heard movement around her. She could see she was in some type of basement. A woman bent over a cauldron type pot and candles were lit all over the place. Footsteps came from atop a set of stairs and Oriel kept her head hung down, she didn't want them to know she was conscious.

"Did you do it?" A voice asked and Oriel recognized it to be the witch, Avelyn's voice.

"Yes, Mistress." It was Scarlett. Oriel groaned internally. She should have listened to Ash..

"I made sure we stormed her mansion first. We imprisoned her father and sent out an alert all over the country, letting them know of their new queen."

"Good job. What about that British king? I heard he made an appearance in town the other day."

"Yes, ma'am, we're still looking for him."

"Good, we don't need him ruining our plans. We'll change locations as soon and alert a few of my children, we'll need their assistance for the ritual."

Scarlett nodded.

"What of Oriel's wife?"

Oriel perked up, eyes wide again.

"She's on our side, now."

What? Oriel swallowed. That couldn't be right. What did they do to make Ash.. she wouldn't ever betray Oriel. Lost in thought, Oriel barely felt the eyes laid upon her now.

"Aw, look who's awake."

"Welcome to your funeral, dear," Avelyn smirked at the young queen.

"Why are you doing this?" Oriel whispered, glaring up at the witch.

Avelyn seemed to hesitate before she finally answered her. "For revenge.."

Scarlett seemed to watch in wonder, a slight smile coming over her face as she watched her mistress.

"I had belonged to a very powerful coven, blessed by the hidden magick of the daemon goddess, Lorelai in the 1400s a few thousand years after the appearance of you, parasitic horrors called vampires." Avelyn glared over to Oriel and Scarlett didn't flinch in the slightest at the derogatory comment. "We were the keepers of our lands living safely away from the vampire territories. Making regular offerings to Lorelai and worshipped her as our goddess even though she was a demoness. I was training heavily in the dark arts and sacred magick of our coven and was to become the High Priestess in such a short time.. until a group of vampires thought to descend upon our village of Faust witches. Our magick was powerful and we did not worry too much but vampires are crafty and found ways to infiltrate our families. Hooking up with the young adults in our coven, vampires were alluring and immortal, of course, they'd be drawn to them and even though they were warned not to entertain such a relationship.. they did not heed to it. Vampires were soon going in and out of our village and the current high priestess was worried but sought peace between them, thinking that maybe this was how we welcomed vampires into coexistence with ourselves. I didn't like it but went along with my priestess' wishes. After a ritual ceremony was done, vampires were allowed to freely live and stay in our village with their witch mates and soon our species began to mingle. But not a week after the ceremony, terror struck and the vampires showed their true colors. My entire coven was slaughtered in one night in their sleep, I was able to flee with minimal injuries but my family was gone." Avelyn gritted her teeth, moving a hand to wipe a stray tear away. "I've kept myself alive with magick and waited for this moment. Starting the war as a distraction to keep prying eyes out of what I was doing with my vampire witch children. Your bloodline is directly linked to the group of vampires that were first turned by Cressida. Your mother was used to seal the potion and make it work and yours was needed to finish my potion to turn a few more vampires for my army as well as for the ritual. Your mother's would have worked fine but.. she was an unfortunate casualty."

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