11. City Lights in Your Eyes

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I've been here for three days now and I'm running out time. I still have five days left and I can't keep spending them sitting in this hotel room doing nothing. And I've tried to write out what I to say but it's never enough. I keep messing up, missing things I want to say, and even though I haven't said it yet and I'm just writing it down, "I love you" made my heart race. I threw crumpled up pieces of paper everywhere trying to come up with the right words but it's just so hard. Ugh!!! Maybe if I go on a run, I'll think of something. I got up and put on a pair of leggings and a t-shirt and surprise surprise it's one of hers. I never realized how many shirts I had of Emily's but she never really minded. I walked over to the park in the neighborhood and jogged around for a bit and I guess it worked to calm me down but I still couldn't think of anything. Then my mind went blank when I saw her across the street. I guess she's on a run too. And before she could see me, I began running back to the hotel. I know, I should've stopped and went up to her but I wasn't ready and I don't think she would've been ready either. When I got up to my room, my heart was racing and I couldn't breathe. I mean I really could not breathe. Why did seeing her make me panic this much? I slid down onto the floor and sat there for the next hour just think about her and how much I needed her to pick me up off of the floor and just hold me. Ughhh. I hate being in love with someone who doesn't know.

~the next night~

Emily's POV:
Now that I know that JJ is here, I have to be careful because I know if I see her, my cheeks would be tear stained for the rest of my life knowing that she's probably only here to tell me off and leave. I know she loves me but is she really in love with me? I really want to know so that I'm not wasting my time thinking about her but even if she wasn't in love with me, I don't think that would stop me from wanting her, needing her, or even dreaming about her. But tonight, I need to relax. That run yesterday was not relaxing or calming in anyway. Constantly watching and looking out for JJ. I love her but right now was not the time for me to be falling deeper in love with her.
When I got out of the shower, I walked over to the steamed up mirror and wiped it dry. I put my hair up in a towel and started to do my makeup. I put on a natural eye and a dark red lip. I know I'm going to eat alone but it's nice to get dressed up once in a while. When I was done, I picked a pair of diamond earring and put them on. Maybe I'm doing too much but when am I not. I dried my hair and curled it then went to pick out some clothes.

I put on a little black dress and got some red heels to match my lips

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I put on a little black dress and got some red heels to match my lips. And now I'm done. I got my purse and keys and drove to this big restaurant downtown. It was huge and I have gone here a couple times with my mother so they knew who I was. When I got there I asked for a seat by the window where the little tables for couples sat because I loved the view at night. And as I sat there waiting for the waiter, my eyes wandered around looking at all the light and then I saw something that made me regret asking for a window seat.

~an hour earlier~

"Hey Penelope, Hi Spence. I miss you guys."
"Hey sugar, we miss you too!"
"Did you tell her yet," Spencer asked making me regret picking up the phone.
"No Spence, I didn't."
"JJ, you're running out of time. You've been there for four days and you still haven't done it yet?"
"Pen, it's not that easy. It's Emily we're talking about. And me telling her everything. Do you really think it's that easy?"
"Well statistically, saying it won't be hard but finding the right time to say it is hard so I understand JJ," I could hear Penelope slapping his arm.
"Um... Spencer, I love you but I'm pretty sure it's harder than what statistics say."
"Anyways... Jayje, maybe you should take one more day to think about it then you should finally tell her because I can tell it's beating you up inside."
"Penelope, I'm scared. The last time we spoke, I yelled at her. In an airport. And she didn't say anything back."
"It'll be different this time. She can't walk away from you or at least she can't fly away from you again," she said giggling trying to cheer me up. It worked for a few seconds but then I got sad again.
"Maybe you should go out tonight JJ. Maybe a nice restaurant."
"I don't even know any restaurants around here."
"Already ahead of you muffin. There's one downtown. I'll send you the link."
"Alright fine. I'll go out. Just for you two."
"Okay, sweets. Call you later, have fun!"
"Bye JJ, oh... and Henry says Hi and he misses you."
"Aww, tell him I love him and I'll be back soon. Bye guys, call you later. Love you."
Well I guess I'm going out tonight. I'm not sure what to wear. Maybe a simple dress? I can wear this baby blue one with my new white heels I just got. I guess you really cant go to London without going on a little shopping spree.
As I got out of the taxi, as I walked up the street towards the restaurant, I couldn't help but look at all the lights in the city. I finally got to the restaurant and before I even walked in, I looked through the window to see how nice it was. It was so nice but then I distracted when I locked eyes with the one and only Emily Prentiss.

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