10. Lavender trails

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It's been 30 minutes since I landed and as soon as I did Penelope called. Of course she did.
"So did you find her yet? Did you tell her? Oh please tell you did and that it went good. Tell her I said hi," she was so excited and happy, more than me. I was way to nervous.
"Woah Pen. Slow your roll. I just landed and I'm waiting for my luggage. And no I didn't find her yet but to tell you the truth, I'm kinda scared."
"Miss JJ? Scared? No..."
"Penelope Garcia. You have no idea how stressful this is right now. I can't breathe and I haven't even seen her yet."
"Sweet cakes you know I'm kidding. Anyways I gotta go but please tell me if anything happens, good or bad, hopefully good."
"Okay Pen, love you. Talk to you soon."
"Love you too sugar, *mwah* bye."

I spent the first day in London trying to get familiar with everything. The neighborhood, the shops, and most importantly where to get food. Maybe tonight I'll go to the market and buy some food because the last thing I had was the plane food that was not enough to satisfy my hunger. I threw on a white tank top and some grey sweats and got ready. I pulled my hair into a tight pony and grabbed my wallet and left. I walked down the streets and wow it was beautiful at night. The lights and everything just made it so magical but I finally arrived at the market. And as soon as I walked in to the store, I knew I forgot something. A sweater. Ugh why did I do that, now I have to hurry and leave because I cannot be standing in a freezing store with a tank top on with no jacket. I quickly grabbed everything and realized I forgot to grab the meat. I walk into the freezer aisle and as I reached for a container of ground beef, my hand meets another. As soon as our hands touched, I started to smell lavender in the air. I only knew one person who uses lavender for everything and before I knew it, I looked up and I was staring a raven haired woman with the cutest bangs ever. Emily Prentiss. I found you. "Wait, I found you but I can't face you," was what went through my mind. But before she could look up and see me I said sorry and walked as fast as I could around the corner so that she wouldn't see my face. As I peaked my head around the corner, I shook because I was so scared to meet her eyes but luckily she was walking away. I slowly walked back over there because I still needed to get food but as I stood there, her lavender scent still lingered there. She always used a lot and it always left a little scent cloud of lavender everywhere she went and I think it's really cute even thought she didn't know that she did that. As I stood in line waiting to pay for my groceries, I noticed that Emily was right in front of me. I tried to keep my head low and every time she looked behind her, I would look behind me so that she could only see my hair, and hey it worked. She didn't see or recognize me.
After I paid to I ran back to my hotel room and called Garcia.
"Whoever this is, you have two seconds to tell me what you want before I hack into your phone and computer and fi-" she said very sleepily and clearly annoyed.
"Penelope, it's JJ. Don't need to go all hacker bitch on me," I let out a little laugh.
"JJ, it is 3 in the morning, I have the right to be a little annoyed."
"That you do and I'm sorry but this couldn't wait till tomorrow."
"Ahh! Emily news. I am here for it. Tell me."
"I was in the market getting some groceries, and as I was getting so ground beef, I touched someone's hand...."
"Uh huh, go on."
"And when I looked up, it was Em. And before you ask, no I didn't talk to her. I actually walked away very quickly and hid behind the corner."
"Awh, JJ's a little nervous I see," I could feel her smirk through the phone.
"A little? A lot Pen. I was in a freezing market next to the freezers in a tank top sweating. I was so nervous. And when I tell you I knew it was her before I even looked up, I mean it."
"You smelt her didn't you."
"Yeah I did, wait... how'd you know?"
"You think I couldn't smell her when she was here. Lavender everywhere. Every time she walk by it was like a trail of lavender scented everything being dragged behind her."
"You're right, she did use a lot of lavender things, but I love it."
"JJ, are you blushing?"
"I don't know maybe."
"You are! You totally are."
"I think I'm permanently under some kind of love spell of Emily's. I love her."
"I know you do sweet cakes."
"But I don't think loves me, or if she did, she doesn't anymore. Not after what I did."
"What did you do," and then I realized that I didn't actually tell what happened the night before Emily left. For the rest of the night, I talked on the phone with Penelope and told her about everything about that night and what I did the next morning after while I cooked dinner. But eventually I could hear snoring coming from the other end of the call so I whispered a little goodnight to her and hung up. After I ate dinner, I laid in bed closing my eyes for a little bit still smelling lavenders with every inhale until I eventually fell asleep.

Emily's POV:
After work today, I had gotten really hungry so I went to the store to pick somethings up for dinner and the weirdest thing happened. I already had almost everything I needed for dinner except the meat so I went to the freezer aisle and as I reached down to get it, my hand touch another woman's hands. They were freezing. I was going to apologize but when I looked up she was walking away. It was kind of an awkward little walk but all I could focus on was what she was wearing. A tank top? It's really cold in here, I don't know why she would wear something like that. Maybe she was in a rush or something because everyone else had on at least a sweater or a cardigan. But as she walked away, she looked kind of like... JJ? Or maybe I'm just delusional. Maybe I miss her a little too much today because what would she be doing here and why wouldn't she or at least Garcia or Reid tell me that she was coming but I swear even her little "sorry" sounded like her. I went to the checkout line and as I stood there, I felt someone staring behind me and when I turned around, it was the woman. But she was staring behind her too so maybe I shouldn't stare at her waiting for her to turn around.
When I got back home, I couldn't help but think about her and how it could've been JJ and how close I was to her if it was her. I just really wish I saw her face so I wouldn't be going crazy like this. A little after dinner, I got ready to go to bed but before I did I called Garcia.
"Oh my god, again JJ?"
"JJ? Sorry no it's Emily, Pen."
"Oh... Hi Emily. I love you but do you really have to call me at 5 in the morning?"
"I apologize Miss Garcia but I need help. Please tell me that JJ is at home and not in London."
"Uh... um hmm, yea she's at home, sleeping. Here in Virginia, not London."
"Penelope, why did you hesitate? Is JJ here because I swear I saw her while I was getting food earlier."
"Don't lie to me woman. I know where you live."
"And I know where you live too."
"Penelope Garcia. Is JJ in London?"
"Ugh fine yes. She is in London. Wait but I'm not suppose to tell you."
"What is she doing here? Why is she here? And why was she at the market with me? Did she see me? Garcia!"
"Hi... um sorry, JJ told me not to tell you."
"Penelope! Did she see me?"
"She kind of um... smelt you before she saw you..."
"She smelt me? How'd she know it was me?"
"Sugar, do you really not know how much you smell like lavenders," she asked while I picked up my shirt and smelled.
"It's really strong. Don't get me wrong, you smell great, but you leave a trail everywhere you walk love."
We sat there for a bit and laughed but then I remembered that JJ is in London right now. I can't see her right now. I wasn't planning on it at all.
"Penelope before you go back to sleep..."
"What is it Em?"
"Where is JJ staying?"
"I kind of got her a room at the hotel down your street. Sorry"
"I'm sorry, you didn't tell me what happened and JJ told me earlier when she called, so I assumed it was alright."
"It fine, Penelope, but next time you do that, I'm not being anything for you when I visit."
"Wait... I won't do it again. I'm sorry."
"Mmhm. It's ok Pen. Oh and one more thing, do not tell JJ this call happened tonight."
"Okay I won't."
"Promise me."
"Okay, okay I promise."
"Alright, you can go back to sleep now."
"Ahh finally, with you two lovebirds, I barely got any sleep today."
"I- don't call us that."
"Okay I won't... You lovebirds are adorable. Just saying. Okay love you, goodnight," she said and before I could say anything else, she hung up.
And now all I could think about was how close I was to JJ today. I didn't know it was her earlier but now that I know that it was her, I can't stop
thinking about her. But now I have to do everything in my power to not run into her because after what happened at he airport, I'm not ready to look into her eyes again.

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