7. Almost is never enough

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It felt such a relief getting out of the thestral drawn carriages outside of Hogwarts, seeing my torch lit home only mere feet away from me. Patting the thestral on the mane (which attracted strange looks) I followed my friends inside.

Once inside the castle, I couldn't help spinning around with my eyes half open to get a fragmented view of Hogwarts. I could just see flames on the wall, smell the cooking from the kitchens and hear the chatter of voices and it all just made me so happy.

Once I finished spinning, I tried to walk in a straight line but failed epically, walking into Arthur. He giggled as he put me into place saying, "Wow, you really love this old place, don't you?"

"Wow, you're totally Sherlock Holmes, Arthur wow." I laughed sarcastically.

"Well then you can be my little annoying Watson." Arthur stuck his tounge out at me. "You are shorter than me."

"By like a few inches!" I grumbled, trying to jump up to Arthur's height. I was about 5'9 now, and Arthur was 6'1 and the few inches did make him seem way taller.

"Yeah, but you're shorter than me." Arthur said, leaning his arm on my head, so I scowled at him.

"Oh for God's sake, I'm the one who's like 5'3. Get over yourself." Alia said snappily, appearing from in the middle of a crowd of fourth years.

"Well on that note, I'll see you all tomorrow." Arthur said, clapping his hands together. "Got some head boy duties to do!"

And after pulling on my plait, he dashed off to do head boy stuff, actually looking thrilled about it. What a nerd, I thought fondly.

I followed Alia into the hall, and took a seat next to her and Hermione, across from Gennie, Cole and Ron. I frowned, noticing something was wrong. "Where's Harry?"

"We thought he was with you." Hermione frowned.

Something dawned on me. I looked around the hall, noticing that Malfoy was missing. Sam was wedged in-between Arthur and her ex-girlfriend Mira, looking irritated. 

"He went after Malfoy in the cloak." I said to the others. "He just disapeared, I guess he went under the cloak."

"Well his new best friend is here." Ron grumbled, noticing Sam was in the hall. "Did anybody ever figure out what's up with the two of them?"

"Well--" Cole began.

"Not the thirty two theories, I don't think I could cope with another re-telling." Gennie sighed.

Cole rolled his eyes. "Okay, so theory one--"

But he was interupted as McGonagall came in with a bunch of first years and Camille, who looked about as scared as I was in my third year. 

"She looks like she's about to pass out." Alia noted. "That's not a Gryffindor trait."

Cole rolled his eyes. "I'm telling you, she'll be a Gryffindor. Us two are, so she will as well. She's your twin, twins stick together."

Alia muttered something about decapitation and Cole glared at her, but thankfully the hat started to sing before they could start to argue. The hat sat about uniting with the other houses during these dark times, which was about as entertaining as it sounded.

Though I did notice that halfway through the song, Malfoy crept in, looking pleased with himself. The fact Harry hadn't appeared yet didn't give me a good idea of what had happened.

"We have a transfer student this year, enrolling in fourth year. Wilde, Camille!"

Camille went forward to the hat, jamming it onto her head. It was on there for a long time, until the hat called, "Ravenclaw!"

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