Chapter 5

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Sapphire woke up to an empty bed. She glanced at the clock: 7:45. That was way too early for Trey to be awake. She got up out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom, careful not to wake Cassiopeia or Hunter on her way. Standing in front of the mirror was a fully-dressed Trey, in a long-sleeved gray sweater with dark gray seams and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans.

"What are you doing up so early?" Sapphire asked him.

"Didn't you hear Larissa last night?" he asked, "She said to be down by 8:15."

Sapphire shoved Trey out of the bathroom, "You go wake up Hunter and Cass while I shower," she said.

After a quick three-minute shower, she wrapped her towel around her torso and opened the door. Cassiopeia pushed past her, nearly making her fall over. Sapphire grabbed the outfit she had put out the night before, a white knit sweater with a burgundy infinity scarf and burgundy and beige patterned leggings, and changed in the closet. Throwing her hair into a ponytail, she hurried down the staircase, backpack slung over one shoulder.

The inn where they were staying was a two-story log cabin, so everybody ate breakfast in the kitchen, compliments of the owners. Sapphire took a seat between Michaela and Trey and dug into her plate of waffles. They hadn't eaten since breakfast the day before, so they were all starving.

At 8:15 on the dot, Cassiopeia and Hunter made it downstairs.

"We're on time," Cassiopeia said, gasping, "I didn't think we would make it."

The kind old lady from the night before gave them their breakfast.

"We should arrive at our destination, one of the safe houses, by 4:00pm," Peter said, "If we leave now, we will probably get there a tad early. Tomorrow we will go to the castle disguised as Frosts, the inhabitants of Arke, to investigate."

They placed their empty plates on the counter and thanked the old lady for the breakfast.

"Please, call me Mae," she said, "I overheard your conversation and figured you would need some lunch for the road." She handed them each a paper bag with a sandwich. After hugging her goodbye, they bundled up and drove off into the distance. By the time they had reached the border between the two countries, it was already noon. They ate the roast beef sandwiches that Mae had packed while the guard, a burly, unusually large type of creature for a resident of Esda, did a quick background check.

He gave them a slight nod and said, "Seems fine, good luck."

Peter drove the buggy past the guard into the frozen world of Arke. The country had a very solemn feel to it. They drove through a forest of ice trees, which, unlike the fragile, crystal-like trees in Esda, were jagged and dying. Sapphire huddled closer to Trey, who wrapped a strong arm around her shoulders.

Twenty minutes into the cold and lifeless place, a small whimper sounded from the bushes. Michaela crawled forwards to get a better look at what was hiding there and Aiden motioned for Peter to stop the cart.

Aiden walked protectively in front of her, making sure that nothing could hurt her. He pushed aside the bush to find a small, shivering blue creature, similar to a tarsier, but made out of ice (If you don't know what a tarsier is go look it up, they are so cute). Before she had the chance to scoop it up, an icy hawk-like creature swooped down and swiftly snatched it in his right foot, causing Michaela and Aiden to go tumbling backwards.

Suddenly, the sound of breaking ice, as well as a loud screech came from above. An arrow pierced through the eagle's icy heart, causing the blue tarsier to fall into Michaela's lap. They all turned around in awe at Zaira, bow and arrow in hand.

"What? You expect the girl with two violent older brothers who are constantly trying to murder each other to not know how to use a weapon?" she asked.

"Never knew you had it in you," Aiden said, climbing back into the buggy.

"Can we keep him?" Michaela asked, gently lifting the small creature that was twirling her hair into the air.

"Sure, why not," Aiden said without thinking. It was clear he was head over heels for her and would do anything to make her happy. The rest reluctantly agreed, only to make their friends happy. Peter started the buggy, and soon enough, they reached a small cabin, amidst all the ice. They hopped out of the carriage and walked up the frozen path, Hunter giving a light knock on the door. They were warmly greeted by a man and woman in their mid-forties, both human like them.

"Welcome, welcome," the woman said, ushering them inside, "Dinner's on the table, eat, then  we'll start on your makeup."

They obediently sat down at a long oak table, a rare thing in a world of ice. The woman came out with eleven mugs of steaming soup, one for each of them.

"My name's Diane, and this is Lucas," she said as they scarf down their food.

"I'm Peter, this is my lovely wife Larissa, these are the new rulers of Esda, Sapphire, Trey, Hunter, Cassiopeia, Zaira, Aiden and their friend Michaela," The General said.

"Nice to meet you all," Lucas spoke up for the first time, deep rumbling voice sounding from his lips, "We'll be transforming you all into Frosts."

They finished their soup and Diane and Lucas got to work, starting with Cassiopeia and Hunter. They were each transformed into the icy, cold, creatures that roamed the land of Arke. Pale blue hair framed their faces, frozen in place and their skin was painted and dried a shade lighter, giving it a grayish tone. Contacts were placed in their eyes, making them gray and lifeless. Their outfits were tight-fitted pale blue body suits, the boys pants and the girls with ruffled mermaid split skirts. Ice crystals lined the cuffs and neckline and a pair of ice shoes were given to each of them. 

Finishing up their looks by seven o'clock, they piled into the carriage and drove off to complete their mission.


Still in need of a cover artist if you know anybody!



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