Chapter 1/Prologue

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The name alone made Sapphire's blood curdle.

Yes, the man who had trained them and raised them since Mr. Askins' death.

Mr. Askins' murderer. That was Scott too.

It all started the day that three-year-old Sapphire had peeked into Carella's room to find her, Ana and Finn crying. They had gone in for training like any other day, but something wasn't right. Scott had told them that Mr. Askins had gone on vacation for a while. Sapphire knew he was lying, she could see right through him. Scott had killed Mr. Askins and she knew it. The guilt was eating him alive, so from that day onwards, he took it out on the six of them. He would beat them every day and eventually convinced Ana, Finn, Sera, Carella and Jean that they were fine in his care.

That's where they were right now, locked in their rooms in Scott's estate, far from civilization.

Sapphire's door opened and she hoped and prayed that Scott wasn't on the other side. Thankfully, it was Scott's son, Kaleb. Kaleb was two years younger than her, 14, and had seen the things his father did to them. As much as he respected his father, he would beat himself up for not doing anything to stop these cruel, cold-hearted actions.

"Dad said he wants to see you in the lab, along with everybody else," Kaleb said sorrowfully.

Seeing that there was no sense in denying his request, Sapphire obliged and silently followed him down to Scott's underground lab. Nobody knew what went on down there. It was the place Scott would go after beating them.

Kaleb shoved open the heavy steel door leading down to his laboratory. Sitting at a desk was a smirking, arrogant Scott.

"Nice of you to join me, my test subjects," he said evilly, "Maybe if you're anything like your siblings you'll live to see tomorrow."

That's what he thought of them, they were nothing but guinea pigs compared to their successful older siblings. Their siblings were there first and they were nothing but the seconds.

"You can go now Kaleb, what's about to happen will probably ruin your innocence," Scott said, dismissing his son.

They followed Scott to a large contraption with six seats, one for each of them. On the opposite side of the seats was a large metal loop. Scott fired up the machine and the loop was filled with a swirling purple substance, almost like a portal in a sci-fi movie.

"Get in the seats," he said sternly.

They go in as quick as possible, in the attempts to avoid being beaten. They watched in horror as Scott flicked a switch and pressed a button, causing the pod to move closer and closer to the portal.

Trey, her boyfriend, grabbed one of her hands, while Hunter, her brother grabbed the other. Just centimetres away from the portal, Sapphire braced herself for the worst.

It came to a stop, then flung them into the portal, which tore them apart, molecule by molecule until they landed with a thud on top of earthy ground.

Hey guys, sorry this update is so short but I needed a 


moment so it was a necessity.



The Seconds- Part 2 of The Unravelling FutureWhere stories live. Discover now