Who's in the kitchen?

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Felix's POV
I woke up and I was really hungry so I decided to go to the kitchen and make some pancakes. I grabbed the instant mix, some milk and eggs and started making the pancakes. I made two or three until the pan fell on my foot. It was really hot and it hurt really bad. " WHAT THE FUCK", I screamed really loud. Someone must've heard me and woken up because I heard footsteps coming towards me." Are you okay?", Rosey asked. I shook my head yes and picked up the pan. Rosey started to help me make the pancakes so it went twice as fast. She grabbed a pan and started putting the batter on the pan. By the time we were done there was about 30 pancakes." That should be enough", I stated. Then we heard a few people laughing and coming our way. It was everyone except Sophia and Omar. After about a half hour we decided that we would eat breakfast without them.
Sophia's POV
I woke up and Omar was already awake just looking at me smiling." Good morning", he said. I smiled back at him and quietly said," Morning". His morning voice was so hot. What if he thinks the same about me? Probably not. I couldn't think about this any longer because I was snapped out of my thoughts when Omar said, " Let's go have some breakfast". I nodded and we walked to the kitchen. I was freezing and Omar noticed so he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I snuggled in close to him. We saw that everyone had already eaten breakfast so we grabbed the cold pancakes and heated them up." Hey, hey,hey,hey", Rosie said coming into the kitchen. She then noticed that Omar still had his arm around my shoulder so she gave me one of those looks like "you be getting some" and I laughed. The microwave beeped and when I went to go grab the pancakes Omar beat me to it. "Here", he said giving me my half of the pancakes. They had left us four pancakes so two for me and two for Omar." So we are all planning to go swimming today", Rosie said after awhile." Oh cool wanna go?", I said to Omar." Yeah", he said and gave us both a smile and continued to eat his pancakes. When we both finished we went into Felix's room where everyone was." You guys are finally up", Felix said. We both just nodded our heads and laughed." Did you guys eat yet", OG said." Yeah", we both said at the same time." Ok so everyone go get changed and we'll all meet in the living room until everyone's ready", Felix said and we all went to our rooms. I took a shower and then picked out a strapless pink bikini with a sparkly bow on the top. I then picked out high waisted shorts and a sleeveless "Frozen" crop top to go over my bikini. I then put my hair in a side braid, put on some water proof makeup and flip flops then went into the living room. There I saw Oscar and that blonde, you guessed it,making out. " That is disgusting I hope they know there's other people in the house", I thought to myself. I took out my phone and started to scroll through Instagram until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Rosie. "Hey girly", I said in cheerful tone." Hey", she said to me almost as cheerful as I was but then she changed the subject." So what's going on between you and Omar", she said raising her eyebrows." The same thing that's going on with you and Felix", I said and gave her a devious look. She sighed and told me it was complicated. I nodded my head and went back to what I was doing. After about another 10-15 minutes everyone was ready so we headed out the door to the lake. We got at the lake and the boys took off there shirts and all the girls took off there shirts and shorts. I was the last one just standing there. I'm a little insecure about my body and Omar could tell I was a little hesitant. He came up to me and told me there was no need to be ashamed of my body and I nodded my head and took of my shorts. Then I took off my shirt and I could feel all eyes on me." See you look beautiful", I heard Omar say after awhile of silence." Who's ready to go in?", Rosie asked and we all screamed." I'll race ya", Omar said to me." Oh it's on ", I said back." ONE,TWO,THREE", we shouted at the same time and ran into the lake. He beat me and I pretended to be mad." I'm sorry", Omar said trying to reassure me. I finally 'forgave' him after awhile and we got into a splash fight. After the splash fight we just stood there staring into each others eyes. It was so peaceful. The only thing that mattered at that point was that he was there with me. Then we kissed. It was so perfect. My stomach became all tangled up in knots and I started to tingle. After we pulled away I heard him say, " Sophia will you be my girlfriend". I almost cried right then and there." Yes", I screamed jumping up and down. I had totally forgotten anyone was there until they all started clapping and cheering, even the blondes. Wow that's a surprise. After awhile we decided to go inside and change up and get ready for dinner. Oscar and that blonde,who I learned her name was Brittany, are making dinner tonight so I took my sweet ass time getting ready. I grabbed my towel from the closet and my bathrobe and hopped in the shower I washed my hair and did my normal shower routine including singing in the shower.( Dancing in the mirror, singing in the shower😂😂😹😹👌. Sorry I just had to.) When I got out i dryer up and put my robe on and rapped the towel around my hair. After about fifteen minutes of deciding what to wear I choose a pair of white pajama shorts and a floral tank top. I put on some flip flops and put my hair in a side fishtail braid. Then I heard a knock on my door." Come in", I screamed. It was Brittany." Hey dinner's ready" she said and smiled widely. I thanked her and returned the smile. She is starting to grow on me more and more everyday. I decided to change my flip flops into fuzzy socks because the floors of the cabin are extremely cold and walked out for dinner. They made chicken pot pie, my favorite. I grabbed a plate and made my dish then walked into the living room were everyone was sitting." Hey guys", I said." Hey Soph" or "what's up Soph came from everyone's mouth except Omar." Hey babe", he said and kissed my cheek. I turned around said hey back and kisses him." No PDA in the living room please." OG said. Everyone laughed at that comment including us after awhile of talking and everything I decided to go to bed. This could easily be the best day of my life.
Ok so I'm so sorry it took me like over s month to update. It's just that I'm on like every single day but I spend time reading fan fics more then I do writing them. I've also been kinda busy translating Swedish fan fiction about the boys because I don't know Swedish and some of them that are in Swedish are really good. So yeah! I hope you enjoyed this and I will try to update tomorrow cause I don't have any school. Again I'm still looking for an Internet bestie if anyone's interested. Love you my fellow foooers👌👌❤️❤️💞💞💘💘💖💖💋💋💕💕💗💗💌💌

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