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First off, sorry. I hate it when authors do this, but... I've been having a major Writer's Block for a while. I dunno, I just don't feel very... inspired. Usually people asking me to update would get me all giddy and excited and want to write the next chapter, right? I could just know that someone would be happy reading my story and I did it, I made someone happy, even if it was only one person. Now I just feel that giddy excitement for two seconds then it's like 'Meh, I'll write it later.' and I ignore it forever until someone reminds me that they, you guys, actually like my stories... kinda, maybe. (?) Sorry, this was supposed to be an apology note for not updating... well, apologies... I guess... also, send help. Please. Thanks, I'm trying my best with this crap... sorry... *sigh*

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