Chapter 10

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[Just a short, cute filler thing!]

Rythian's POV

Kim, Duncan and I worked at his house on the science project. I groaned because Zoey wasn't there, she was still grounded. She didn't get in anymore trouble after Homecoming though, which was lucky.

"Why'd we choose the moon? Why couldn't we choose something cooler?"

"The moon is cool!" Duncan pouted and we all laughed. We worked on the project for a bit before we got distracted by the kids again.

"Rythiannnn, play pretend with us!" Eva whined, pulling on my sleeve. I laughed and got up, Kim followed, cooing over the kids again. Duncan put the project to the side and went with him to talk to Toby and Jasmin. I shrugged and clambered onto the "castle", which was actually just one of those small slide things. I played with Eva, Martyn and Nilesy for a bit with Kim, then Duncan and Sjin came out of no where.

Third Person POV

"We're the Magic Police!" Duncan declared.

"Magic Police?" Rythian raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you guys are all magic-y, so... we decided to be the Magic Police!"

"Where'd Sjin come from?"

"I live next door."

"Wait, so you're here to 'bust us' then?" Kim asked, Sjin shrugged and nodded. She glared at Duncan, who smiled back sheepishly.

"You shall never defreat team awesome!" Nilesy stuck his tongue out at them and Rythian chuckled.

"Toby! You've betrayed me!" Martyn whined, Toby grinned evilly and Martyn jumped back, "Kill Toby! Tobyyyyy..."

"Eh?!" Toby frowned and Jasmin giggled.

"I'll protect you, Toby."

"Jasmin!" Eva pouted, "How dare you attack castle amazing!"

"Team awesome..." Nilesy muttered, sad Eva didn't go with that instead.

"Um, right! On ward!" Jasmin grinned, pointing to the sky.

Duncan and Sjin pulled out a piece of paper with a badge drawn on it, while the kids jumped up in front of the "castle".

"You're under arrest!" Toby shot a grin to Martyn, who frowned and hugged Eva.

"Martyn! Let go of me!" Eva groaned, struggling to get away from him. Toby took this chance and climbed to the top, only to be met by Nilesy.

"How do you guys even expect to "arrest" us?!" Rythian laughed, looking over at Duncan and Sjin, who weren't even paying attention to the kids. Instead they were trading their Pokémon cards and talking about Harry Potter.

"Good point..." Sjin muttered, "I think I know a spell... um- give me a minute..."

"Dunno," Duncan shrugged and handed Sjin a magicarp card, "It was their idea."

"Eek! Nilesy!" Toby squeaked, almost flailing off the castle as Nilesy poked him with a toy sword.

"Abort! They're too powerful!" Jasmin squealed as Kim picked her up and went down the slide with her. Kim walked over to Duncan and punched him lightly in the shoulder.

"Duncan, you prick..." Kim muttered, "We should probably finish this stupid project."

"Good idea!" Rythain chimed, sliding down.

"Ugh, fine! Sjin, could you watch the kids for a bit? Dad's asleep..."

"Ooo! Could we watch a movie?"

"Depends!" Eva and Jasmin said in unison, grinning.

"You wanna watch Tangled?" Sjin smiled back and they all nodded, "Yay!"

The kids and Sjin walked into the house and the kids showed Sjin where the tv was, while Kim, Rythian and Duncan groaned as they got working again.


A/N: Yeye. It's really short... I'm trying to figure out what to do, so I wrote this. Don't- dammit- just... TAKE IT. Okay, bye.

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