Chapter 5

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~About a month later..?~

Ridge's POV

"WELL WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO THEN?!" my dad yelled downstairs, I was trying my best to finish my homework, but with them arguing and Jasmin sitting in my room on the verge of crying, I was starting to lose it. I mean they've fought before... a lot of times before, but never really this loud or for this long.

I stopped doing my homework and packed up my school stuff with PJ's and a set of clothes. I wasn't staying here and neither was Jasmin. I tried calming her down a little before getting her some clothes as well and walking out of my room. Our parents continued yelling and I just walked past them, my dad stopped and looked at me, he was usually the more sensible one. He nodded and I walked out the door carrying my younger sister.

"This was really a bad timing..." I muttered as I looked at my phone, it was quarter 'til nine already. I went to text the first person I could think of, Lewis.

'Hey, could I spend the night at your place along with Jasmin?' I texted, he was probably the only person who didn't hate me as much as everyone else.

'Yeah, of course!' I sighed in relief when he text back and walked to his house. Usually I would go to Duncan's house, but he's started to hate me even more and so did everyone else in school... they just don't know my story or why I'm as I am. Duncan did know, but still hated me, making me feel even worse than I already did. I looked down at Jasmin who had fallen asleep in my arms, I smiled slightly as I walked up to Lewis's door.

I tried to free one of my arms under Jasmin without waking her up, but I kinda didn't want to try too much. So I ended up ringing the doorbell with my face. I could hear someone running to the door and my smile grew. Lewis opened the door and smiled at me, Hannah raced behind him and hugged him from behind. I got a feeling of emptiness, but I continued to smile, trying to ignore it and not think about it.

"Thanks for letting me stay here, Lewis..."

"Yeah, no problem at all!" he smiled and let me in, "You know where my room is, just make yourself at home for now! I'm gonna watch a movie with Hannah then I'll be back up there, mmkay?"

"Sure..." I said softly and walked upstairs quickly. I went to his room and dropped my stuff, for some reason he had a pointless bunk bed in his room. Even though he only had one brother, Toby, who had his own room. I set Jasmin down on the neat bottom bunk and took off my pants and shirt, just as I do so, Lewis opens the door, luckily he's alone though. My face feels as if it's on fire as he looks up at me, standing there with only my boxers on. He stood there staring for a while, then walked out of the room.

"Um... sorry..." he said through the door and I nodded and I quickly put on my pajama pants, so then I'm not just in boxers.

"I-it's fine..." I said quietly and went to open the door to let him in. He stared at my bare chest wide-eyed and my face heated up again, I stepped back and went to go get my shirt.

"I just wanted to let you know I sleep on the top... uh..." his face still red as his eyes darted around the room, "The top bunk..."

"Yeah, I know... you can have a good night with Hannah," I said with a forced smile. He nodded and smiled awkwardly as he left the room. I climbed into bed, cuddling next to Jasmin as I soon fell asleep.


I stretched and made weird sounds that I've classified as yawns as I looked around and almost spazzed out when I saw where I was. Then remembered what happened, then almost spazzed out again when I realized Jasmin wasn't lying next to me. I got up and looked up at the top bunk where Lewis lied staring at the ceiling, which was painted to look like a galaxy. He looked over at me and laughed quietly, I raised an eyebrow and he laughed again, a bit louder.

"You've got quite the bed head there, Ridge..." he chuckled and I made an 'o' with my mouth, he smiled and nodded.

"What time is it..?" I asked and he looked at his watch as I noticed that he was fully dressed.

"Erm, it's about seven."

"Uh, what's today again?" it took him a while to think about this, but he soon groaned and answered.

"It's Monday," he sighed and got up. I got my backpack and awkwardly asked where the bathroom was. He showed me and I quickly got changed and brushed my hair a little, getting my backpack back on and walking out. Lewis smiled and waved as he got off the bottom bunk, "Come on, we're gonna miss the bus."

"Mmkay," I said and we were out the door, soon waiting at the bus stop, although no one was there yet, "By the way, where was Jasmin?"

"Oh, my mum dropped her and Toby off while you were asleep, sorry," I nodded slightly, "Um, why did you need to spend the night at my place anyways..?"

"Uh... well... my parents were arguing a lot and I didn't want to stay there..." I said awkwardly and he nodded.

"Oh, okay. It's fine though I mean, I was just wondering," he said quickly and Hannah ran over to hug Lewis.

"Good morning!" she said happily and kissed him lightly on the nose. My everything just went upside down and Duncan walking over with Kim didn't help either. He looked up and immediately looked back at Kim. I sighed and stood away from the two couples, looking down at my feet.

"Lewis almost never has time to hang out with me either..." Simon said quietly next me, looking down too. I could see the hurt in his eyes when he looked up at me, trying to force a small smile. I smiled back sadly and nodded, "Both of them are so into their relationships, I don't know what to do..."

I knelt down beside him when he looked down again, "You should talk to him about this and maybe he'll see how... selfish he's being and make time for the both of you..."

"You're right, but I'm so nervous around him... wait, I didn't say that, okay?" he said quickly and I nodded, I felt so bad for Simon, "I don't know, it's complicated. I'll talk to him though..."

"Okay, you do that..." I smiled and stood up, feeling kinda happy, but not at the same time.

The bus came and we went to school, everything quickly went back to normal, but I didn't feel like it would be... normal.

"Hiya! I've heard you're joining football!" a boy, that I think was called Bruce, said as he leaned against my locker, he was a junior, wasn't he? I nodded as I got out my books.

"Just to get my mind off some things..." I said quietly and he nodded.

"I understand you there, mate..."he muttered as he looked across the way, I followed his eyes and saw a shy girl, blushing and waving. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"I don't think you do..."

"Welp, anyways would you like to hang with me and my mates for lunch?" I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, he smirked and I looked down again. I know he's one of those rude popular kids loves attention and always makes fun of disabled kids and stuff. For that reason, I don't think he would ever want to be friends with me... but I didn't have any friends. No one liked me. I nodded my head slightly and he patted my back, "I'll see ya then!"

What in the world have I gotten myself into..?

"I may be dumb, but I'm not a dweeb... I'm just a sucker with no self esteem..."


Much adore for Ridge, don't judge me... Imma get the next chapter out sooner, hopefully.

Song quote: Self Esteem by The Offspring

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