American Holidays

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I don't own Girl Meets World or Harry Potter!!!

The first half of the year had gone by quickly, and Thea was excited for the holidays. She couldn't wait to see her family again. Hogwarts was amazing and she'd made lots of friends, Fred and George were her best friends though without a doubt, but she had bouts of homesickness that made having fun hard.

Professor Dumbledore had offered to get her family's fireplace connected to the floo network so she could get home for the holidays and back to school after. Of course, Thea took him up on that offer.

Fred and George were taking the train back to King's Cross Station to meet their family, so the goodbye happened a little sooner than Thea would have liked.

"Have a great holiday, Thea." Fred hugged her.

"Owl us, we might not survive not hearing from you." George added joining the embrace.

"You mean you won't survive three weeks stuck with Percy." Thea laughed "Relax, you'll be fine. And I'll owl as often as I can."

"We'll miss you." The twins sighed as they released her.

"Bye!" Thea called, waving as they walked down to the gates where some horseless carriages waited to bring them to Hogsmeade Station.

Thea walked up to Professor Dumbledore's office, where Professor McGonagall was waiting outside to let her in. Professor McGonagall and Thea had grown closer during one of Thea's homesick episodes. The teacher had brought her into her office and given her biscuits, and told her stories about her own time at Hogwarts.

"Treacle tart." Professor McGonagall said to the griffin statue outside Dumbledore's office.

The statue leaped aside, revealing a spiral staircase that Thea took up to a large door. She knocked and heard the headmaster call out "Enter." The door swung open and Dumbledore smiled at Thea. Beside the fireplace stood her trunk and Iris's cage.

"Do you know how to use floo powder, Miss Matthews?" Professor Dumbledore asked.

Thea nodded "Professor McGonagall explained it to me."

"Then I will not delay your seeing your family any longer." Dumbledore held out a small pot of what looked like sparkly dust.

Thea reached in and grabbed a handful.

She stepped into the fireplace, dragging her trunk and Iris's cage and called out "Matthews apartment, New York!"

Next thing Thea knew she was spinning violently through what felt like a tunnel. She shut her eyes to keep out the soot and before long she spun out of her fireplace.

"Thea!" Auggie's voice rang through the air as Thea sat up and the air was knocked out of her by the small boy wrapping himself around her middle.

"Auggie!" Thea cried, hugging her little brother back "Oh, my God, I've missed you!"

After a long hug, Thea unwound herself from Auggie and stood up. She was greeted by her parents, rushing down the stairs to hug her too. It didn't take long for them all to start crying.

"Oh, sweetie, we missed you so much." Topanga sighed, finally releasing her daughter "How's school? Are you doing well? What are your classes like?"

"I missed you too, Mom." Thea laughed "School's great. I'm top of the class. Classes are fascinating. I'm learning so much."

"Magic!" Auggie clapped his hands happily.

"You sound different, honey, you've got a little accent." Cory smiled "I guess that's what happens when you spend so long in Britain."

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