The Sorcerers Stone (Part 2)

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I don't own Harry Potter, Girl Meets World, the MCU, or anything else you recognize!!!

The holidays were over and soon the castle was flooded with her students again. Exams were approaching quicker than any of them would have liked, and many late nights found Thea studying in the common room when everyone else had long since gone to bed. It was here Harry found her one night, jolting himself awake after nightmare that ended in a flash of green light and a wicked cackle.

"Oh, uh, sorry, I didn't think-"

"Anyone else would be up?" Thea closed her book with a sigh "I shouldn't be, really. But we have a review in charms tomorrow I want to have down. What are you doing up?"

Harry blushed, he didn't really want to tell anyone about the nightmares the had plagued him since finding the Mirror of Erised "Just couldn't sleep." He offered, lamely.

"Mm-hmm?" Thea gave him a look "Something on your mind?"

"It's nothing to bother you with."

"Please, bother me." Thea pointed him to the couch "What's up?"

Harry conceded and sat down "It's just- I've just been-" He tried and failed to start several times.

"Does this have something to do with your nighttime adventures over the break?" Thea guessed.

"How did you-?"

"I know everything." Thea shrugged "No, you ran right past me on Christmas, do you know anyone else who could get through the portrait hole completely invisible?"


"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But sometimes talking helps."

Harry fidgeted, picking at the arm of his chair "Just dreams." He finally sighed.

"Wizard's dreams are an interesting phenomenon." Thea hummed when he didn't continue "Sometimes they can tell you things."

Harry glanced up.

"Not necessarily the foretelling the future stuff Trelawny teaches," She amended quickly "but they can mean things, even muggles think so."

"Like what?"

"Well, they can give insights into your anxieties, your fears." Thea got up and pulled a book from a nearby table "Or, in some cases, glimpses of important things, especially with wizards. If muggles get dreams like that, of magic, they just think they're dreams. But we know magic can do impossible things."

Harry took the book, already opened to a chapter titled 'Hypnos's Gift' and started thumbing through it.

"It's not a very thorough study unfortunately," Thea pouted "most wizards think it's nonsense so they don't bother to study it, or to fund the people who do study it."

"Thanks." Harry ran his fingers over the illustrations, the little people wiggling on the page.

"Don't mention it."

"No, really, thank you." Harry looked up "I'd never have thought-"

Thea stopped him, looking uncomfortable "Seriously, it's no problem, Harry. I'm always happy to help. Did you hear Oliver's upping practice to four night a week now?"

The change of subject was lightning quick "Uh, yeah, weather's gonna be horrible though."

"Ugh, I know." Thea rolled her eyes "He's desperate to win this year, so he's practicing like mad. You know he tried to ask if we could get special permission to practice past curfew?"

"No way." Harry groaned, with all the homework he had and exams coming up on top of the nightmares, adding in extra late quidditch practice would mean he'd never sleep again.

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