Harry Potter's Coming to Hogwarts

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I don't own Girl Meets World, Harry Potter, or any part of the MCU!!!

The rest of Thea's first year was uneventful. She passed all her exams with high marks and had accepted Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's offer to stay with them over the summer. That summer was spent whizzing around on brooms, practicing quidditch with the Weasley brothers, de-gnoming the garden, tables that groaned under Mrs. Weasley's mountains of delicious cooking, and visits to the nearby town or Diagon Alley.

Thea returned to Hogwarts for her second year, excited to get back to learning. Her second year passed much like her first, mostly uneventful, though she, Fred, and George all joined the quidditch team, the boys as beaters and Thea as a chaser, and ended with Thea again at the top of her class. Again, Thea spent the summer with the Weasley's. She helped Mr. Weasley with the muggle appliances he kept hidden in his shed, explaining what they all did and what they were for, and Mrs. Weasley taught her several recipes in the kitchen, Thea had always been a decent cook but under Mrs. Weasley's tutelage she thrived.

Throughout both the school year and the summers, Thea had little to no contact with her family. She sent and received Christmas and birthday gifts with her parents, Auggie, and even Riley, though Riley would return the gift unopened every time and never sent anything.

Thea had expected her third year to mimic her first and second, revolving mostly around studying, joking around with Fred and George, getting Fred and George out of trouble, helping plan pranks, and the endless quidditch practices the team captain, Oliver Wood, seemed to enjoy. Of course, Ron Weasley, who Thea had come to see as another little brother, would be joining them for his first year, and Thea was looking forward to having another friend at school.

But as it turned out, Fate was laughing at Thea. Not even snickering behind its hand, no. Fate was outright laughing in her face.

Harry Potter was coming to Hogwarts, and Thea's life would never be calm again.


Mrs. Weasley led her children and Thea through Kings Cross for the umpteenth time in the last 15 minutes. She had spotted a small, black haired boy with a Hogwarts trunk wandering around, looking lost and so she led them all past him dozens of times, loudly asking them "Where is Platform 9 3/4 again?" or "What's the platform number?" and one of her children or Thea would pipe up with the answer. But the boy was oblivious.

Thea wondered if they shouldn't just go up to him and ask if he needed help. They were all clearly Hogwarts students, the crest was emblazoned on each trunk, not to mention the two owls they had, Percy's and Thea's.

Just as she was about to suggest this to Mrs. Weasley, she called loudly "Packed with muggles, of course, always is."

And the boy finally seemed to notice them, his eyes lit up and he tried to follow them as inconspicuously as he could, as Molly led them to the space between Platforms 9 and 10.

"Now, what's the platform number?" Molly asked, looking around at the gaggle of children with her.

Percy looked incredibly bored, Fred and George were whispering to each other, no doubt planning their start of year prank which they would loop Thea in on on the train, Ron bounced anxiously on the balls of his feet, and Ginny was clutching Thea's hand excitedly.

"Nine and three quarters!" Ginny exclaimed "Mum, can't I go...?"

"You're not old enough, Ginny, now be quiet." Molly reminded her daughter "All right, Percy, you first."

Percy pushed his horn-rimmed glasses up his nose and marched to the barrier between the platforms. Thea watched the small boy who was craning his neck to see what Percy was going to so out of the corner of her eye. A crowd of tourists swelled from Platform 9 and blocked the view of Percy entering Platform 9 3/4. By the time they could see the barrier again, Percy had disappeared.

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