The Sorcerers Stone (Part 1)

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I don't own Girl Meets World, Harry Potter, or anything from the MCU!!!

These next chapters will be the first several years at Hogwarts condensed a little, just so I can start moving the story along a bit faster.

Althea Matthews Year 3, Harry Potter Year 1

Thea watched as the first years were sorted into their houses. She cheered with the rest of the Gryffindors when Harry Potter joined their ranks and clapped extra loud for Ron when he sat down next to Harry.

The feast was fantastic, though, as usual, Thea could hear the first years whispering behind their hands about "the American student," wondering what she was doing at Hogwarts. Thea had her fair share of people come up to her and tell her that because she was American, and muggle-born at that, she didn't belong at Hogwarts, that she should have gone to Illvermorny or Salem Academy of Magic. Usually they were from old, prejudiced, pure-blood families and Fred and George dealt with them quickly with a few well placed embarrassing pranks.

It was no surprise for her when, the next day, a boy's voice called out "Are you the American?"

Thea turned from where she'd been pointing out the way to Charms for a few lost first years and saw a small, blond, ferret like, Slytherin boy sneering at her "Yes, I am. Can I help you? You must be a first year, are you lost?"

The boy flushed scarlet "I am not lost! Why are you at Hogwarts?"

Thea mentally prepared herself for insults and pretended to think "Well, you know, I'm really not sure about this, but I think I'm here so I can get my magical education."

"But Americans don't go to Hogwarts." The boy seemed to think he'd won with that single statement.

"It is a bit strange, I'll admit." Thea conceded "But I got a special invite from Professor Dumbledore."

"And why would he do that?"

Thea shrugged "Not a clue. Why don't you ask him and, if he tells you, let me know."

She turned to head into the Transfiguration classroom when the boy shouted "Well, not only are you American, but you're also a mudblood! My father is on the Hogwarts board of governors, when I tell him about you, he'll make sure you're expelled."

Thea turned around with a sweet smile on her face "Oh, is that so?" The boy nodded triumphantly "Did you know that the school governors must all agree before a foreign student is invited to Hogwarts? That means that your father's known about me for the last three years at least, and not done a thing."

The boy blanched and Thea nodded sympathetically.

"Yeah, and, by the way, what's your name?"

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." Draco Malfoy puffed out his chest proudly.

"Okay, James Bond, I may be muggle born, but that doesn't make me any less magical than you. Some people say that those born to muggle parents actually have a stronger form of magic, did you know that?" Thea hid a smile as the outraged look on Draco's face changed to bewilderment.

"How on Earth did they reach that conclusion?" He asked.

"Well, the story about the origin of our magic is that witches and wizards were blessed by Lady Magic, many centuries ago, that we all came from people without magic and were given magic at birth." Thea smiled "The theories say that magic is diluted through the generations, but that Lady Magic still blesses us "muggle borns" with pure magic like she did in the beginning."

Draco Malfoy was spluttering indignantly now, trying to find an argument that Thea wouldn't be able to counter. He wouldn't of course, Thea had had three years of study to figure out counterarguments for almost anything.

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