#1 What love is...

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What Love is...

Why love is so much complicated?
There are people met but not fated.
There are people in love but one-sided.
There was people still hold on even they cheated.
There are people don't know how to be contented.
There are people loves just wasted.
There are people in love blind-sided.
There are people loves faded.

Happy together but end up separates way.
In love with each other but won't last.
Hurting but still choose to stay.
There are still holding on with their past.

I don't really get love.
But still many people keep asking it from above.
I only knew what love can bring,
Love could turn nothing to everything.

Maybe I really don't know yet what love is.
But someday I will know what really it is.
I know someone will arrive to show me what it feels.
To love me and teach me what love really means.

JULY 22, 2019


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