Chapter 20 - Katherine

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Katherine stared at the white sheer canopy that flowed from the center of her ceiling.

She bit her lip to keep from giggling. Lord Bedivere was gone. Forever. Derrick said he was going to fight for her hand. And if Damon still wanted to vie for her attention he was welcome to it.

Ever since Lord Bedivere was banished from the land, she felt like she could relax and enjoy the tournament. There were a few rounds left and only a couple dozen men left in the tournament.

Next was the mace competition. She was sure Derrick wouldn't have a problem, as long as his arm healed on time. The round after that was an intellectual round, where the king would propose a problem and the contestants would have to write out their own solution to the issue as they would handle it as the King of Carenthia. After that it would be a duel against the last two men standing.

Images of Derrick and Damon circling the arena flashed through her mind. Who would win? Probably Derrick. She wouldn't be mad with that outcome. Not mad at all.

Katherine finally sat up in her bed. It was about time she checked up on Derrick. After all, his arm had looked pretty bad the day before. Numerous things could go wrong. Infection could set in and if it got bad enough, it would have to be amputated.

She hopped out of bed, quickly dressed, and pulled her hair back in a loose braid. She reached for the doorknob. She paused and turned back to her dresser. Opening her drawer, she pulled out Derrick's locket and placed it around her neck and down her dress. Now she was ready.

Katherine all but skipped down the hall in her rush to reach Derrick's room.

Wait. This wasn't proper and Damon would have a fit if he found out.

"Need a chaperone?" Cedric walked up behind her with a tray of food.

She whirled around and grinned. "As a matter of fact, yes I do."

Knock, knock.


"Let me try." Cedric handed her the tray and slowly peaked through the door. He gently shut the door. "Still sleeping. He had an exhausting time yesterday, not to mention his mangled arm. It'd be best to let him rest all he can."

Katherine nodded, disappointment blanketing her.

"There you all are!" Damon rounded a corner. "I thought you might all be congregating around here."

When did he get so familiar with all of the corridors? It had taken Derrick the better part of a year to familiarize himself with all the twists and turns. Here Damon was, navigating with ease.

"Would I be able to convince you to go for a ride with me?" Damon grabbed her hands. "Since we all have a week or more off I thought it would be fun to explore the castle grounds and countryside. I never have seen it all, you know."

Maybe that was just what she needed to take her mind off Derrick. It wouldn't do her any good to sit outside his door and wait for him to come out. "It would be my pleasure to accompany you."

"Splendid." He kissed her hand. "I will arrange to have the carriage ready in ten minutes. Meet you by the stables."

He left as quickly as he came, leaving Katherine to stare after him.

She glanced at Cedric. "See you later."

Making a quick detour to her room to grab her parasol, Katherine hurried down to the stables.

"There you are!" Damon sat on one side of the open carriage with a wicker basket strapped to the back. "I brought along a little basket of finger foods, in case we end up staying out past luncheon."

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