Chapter 7 - Derrick

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One year had passed since Derrick ran away from his home. No word had followed him. Not that he expected to hear anything. His parents couldn't write him a letter. They couldn't even write and even if they could, they would hardly know where to address it.

At least now Derrick could read and write. Thanks to Katherine, he was moving up in the world. Slowly but surely. Well, it was actually rather quickly. He only had two more years as a squire then he would be knighted.

He spent every day working towards his goal. The knight he worked under, Knight Gareth, discovered that Derrick had a knack and ambition for sword fighting. So he trained him long and hard in hopes of making him the best sword fighter in the kingdom.

Derrick was passable at jousting, better at archery, but the sword felt like an extension to his limbs. It felt so natural to hold a sword in his hands. He enjoyed sword training much more than mucking out the stables or farming.

It also looked much cooler to be sword fighting than shovel dung.


He paused from his current practice with Knight Gareth and looked up at the balcony.

Katherine stood, waving. "You must come up here quickly!"

"Why?" He shouted. He looked at Knight Gareth then back at Katherine. "What's wrong?"

He didn't want to stop in the middle of his training but he didn't want to neglect Katherine if something was wrong.

"Nothing, just come!" She disappeared into the room she came from.

He usually didn't see her until he came back to eat his supper. She never bothered him when he was out practicing. Maybe it was important.

Derrick looked up at Knight Gareth for permission.

"Do as the Princess directs." He lowered his sword. "But I won't go easy on you later."

Derrick grinned and nodded. "Yes, Sir."

He sheathed his sword and hurried up to where Katherine was waiting. After a year spent in the castle and weeks of getting lost, he finally knew how to navigate through all of the rooms and corridors.

"Katherine?" He opened a door. Why was she in here? There was nothing but an empty floor.

She was at the other side of the room, opening the curtains and windows to let a breeze inside the dusty room. The sunlight clearly illuminated the dust particles in the air, making it look almost as if she were surrounded by sparkles.

How was she always dressed so nicely? It seemed as if she had an endless supply of clothing and always looked impeccable. Today she wore a simple dress with light layers of chiffon flowing about in the breeze. She was the image of perfection, standing by the open window, basking in the fresh air. She turned and met his gaze.

"Ah! You're here!" Katherine glided towards him and pulled him to the center of the room. "We are having a ball to celebrate Father's fortieth birthday and you must learn how to dance so you can dance with me."

The scent of garden roses followed her around. How did she always manage to smell pleasant? And like flowers. Did she pick them and then rub them on herself every morning?

Derrick quickly sniffed himself. He smelled like outside. Hopefully she wouldn't mind.

"I didn't receive an invitation." Derrick answered her question.

Katherine rolled her eyes and slapped his arm. "Of course, you dummy, you already live here so you could hardly miss the event."

He grinned and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Okay, show me what I'm supposed to do."

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