Chapter 19 - Derrick

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Derrick breathed through his mouth. The smell of sweaty bodies clustered together was more than his nerves could handle. His stomach was already turned inside out from the thought of fighting Lord Bedivere.

He had forced himself to down a bowl of oatmeal, a grueling task though it was.

Now standing ten feet away from Lord Bedivere, his confidence faded. He should have practiced more. He should have lifted more sand bags. He should have taken more notes when studying Lord Bedivere.

What if he failed to beat him and Katherine had to marry the monster?

His blood boiled at the thought. Images of his mother lying ashen-faced in her bed flew through his head. It was Lord Bedivere's fault that his mother was in her grave already. If he hadn't taxed their harvest so heavily, his father could have bought the medicine that the physician prescribed. If he hadn't raised the requirement for harvested barrels so high while holding back their wages, his father wouldn't have had to work himself to the grave and he could have invested more time in caring for mother.

If Lord Bedivere weren't so dishonest the management of his fief, life would have been bearable. As it was, those who worked for food barely tasted their sweet labor while lazy men gorged themselves until they were pear shaped.

Derrick wouldn't let the kingdom or Katherine fall into the hands of such an underhand mongrel.

He watched the swordsmen in the arena battle. Several pairs already competed. Derrick's name was going to be called any time. He could feel his heart beating twice as fast as usual. He stole a glance at Lord Bedivere. He currently lacked his red cape and donned a suit of chain mail.

Derrick looked down at his leather armor in comparison. Despair began to invade every fiber of his being. He always felt that plate armor and chain mail was too heavy, not to mention expensive, but now he felt naked in his leather armor. Maybe he shouldn't have rejected the king's offer for armor.

With a final thrust, the swordsman disarmed his opponent and landed on top of him.

He was announced the winner.

Derrick didn't think his heart could beat any faster. He didn't think his hands could get any sweatier. He wiped them down on his pants before tightening the grip on his sword.

The men vacated the arena.

Derrick's mouth went dry. Is there water anywhere?

He hurried over to the communal water bucket and ladled some water into his mouth before the next set of contestants were called up.

Half of him wanted to get the fight done and over with as soon as possible. The other half hoped that they would be last. He wasn't ready to fight Lord Bedivere.

The rounds didn't take very long and soon Derrick was left standing alone with Lord Bedivere.

"Lord Bedivere and Sir Derrick!"

He swallowed hard. He couldn't think during this match, only react. His years of severe training was about to be tested.

Derrick planted himself on the compact dirt. Lord Bedivere seemed much taller now that Derrick was seeing him up close.

It was going to be hard to disarm him and impossible to injure him with his chain mail.

Derrick glanced at Katherine who sat next to the king. She gave him a reassuring smile.

That was all he needed. He looked Lord Bedivere in the eye. He was no longer a fifteen year old boy with scrawny limbs. He was no longer illiterate. He was no longer void of a title. It was time to take Lord Bedivere off his high horse.

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