EEYORA | Saanu

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AUTHOR : booksR_bae


The title is good though I guess if you just put it up as Eeyora will also do no need for a tagline. It would be for the best interests if you explain the meaning of your title a bit more vividly in the book. The cover is amazing. I have no complaints about that. I would give it an 8/10.


I really like the blurb. I have to say it is quite intriguing and will manage to capture the reader’s eye. The blurb is excellently written. I would give it a 9/10.


I quite like the storyline. The way of the elementals. That is new considering in a werewolf story one only sees witches or wolves you have the powers that are possessed by witches. This concept of elementals just gives it a fresh atmosphere. Also the fact that the protagonist is still a mystery character and not yet fully understood is keeping me at least on my toes. I like the storyline even though there are similar plots. I would give the storyline an 8/10.


A little effort on the use of vocabulary is recommended like the use of certain words can be avoided or some are just applied in the wrong sense. The indentation is fine. Punctuations are completely fine. A 6/10.


Now on the protagonist I must say I really like hidden identities, it adds just so much more suspense. Also Adrian I highly recommend you to mention that Adrian and Ryan are the same person, because I was confused for like 2 chapters until it was cleared. I would suggest whenever you introduce a new character you give a 2-3 lines introduction for more clarity. For the dialogues, I would suggest that you separate them as at some points it gets a little confusing. I would give it a 7/10.


A little more description on the surroundings is highly appreciated so that the readers can get a clear image of the scene like how you imagined. Nonetheless, an 8/10.


I enjoyed this story. The concept of elementals and werewolves is really interesting. I really appreciated John and his father’s loyalty in waiting for Idalia and still keeping hope that one day she will return to rightfully come to claim her position. As for the villains I can’t wait for the next update to truly understand their intentions. An 8/10.


I suggest you increase the pace just a little. I would give it a 7/10.


I have no more suggestions. I think you should continue what you are doing and best of luck


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