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(Warning: Contains Mature Content)

Chapter Twenty

I walked down the hallway, bumping into Matt again. I looked at him smiling. "So sorry Matt, have you seen Jackson?" I asked and he nodded.

"he's in the locker room, also Y/N-"

"I'm sorry Matt I need to talk to him!" I said and walked past him quickly, to the locker room, all I could think about was how much he was going through right now, and how Scott didn't even care about school, currently, I wanted to graduate with my boyfriend. I huffed looking at the locker room door, looking down the hall, and seeing it was empty, so I walked in. I checked the room seeing it was empty so I walked in further. "Jackson!" I whispered. "Jacks!" I called.

"In here!" I heard him call and I sighed.

"I just wanted to talk, and I thought it would be private in here-" I said turning the corner of the showers, honestly I didn't know what I was expecting, because the shower was on and he was the only guy in here, but when I did turn the corner, there he was, naked. I froze up seeing him, I wasn't expecting him to let me come in here if he was naked, I was 100% sure. I saw his... everything, all I could do was look up, to avoid looking at him completely, until I saw him step toward me. "Jackson, what the fuck? You could Have warned me!" I said stepping back, now locking eye contact with his eyes, they looked predatory.

"You're the one that walked into the boy's locker room..." He said as he took another step, and so did I.

"Yeah, but I told you why-" I said. "Y'know what never mind, I should get going-"

"You wanted to talk, so let's talk." He said and I felt myself become nervous, my heart rate was picking up.

"I change my mind, Jackson-"

"Your heart rate is picking up like crazy- you seem stressed."

"You're freaking me the fuck out Jackson!" I said but his look didn't change from the predatory gaze, this wasn't my friend, and I hated it so much.

"did you wanna talk about Scott? You're whole lovebird shit?" He asked and I shook my head. I was being backed into a wall at this point. "You think your whole high school sweetheart thing is gonna last? Especially tied up with the supernatural? One of you might die, or even... find out the other is a lying cheater- If you believe that then you've gotta be the stupidest bitch alive." He whispered to me... the things he was saying were so hurtful, I couldn't believe it.

"Jackson?" I whispered as if to check if it was him at that moment.

"What do you think is gonna happen to you?!" He slammed me into the wall, his arms trapping me in, I was frozen, all I could think was that this was my friend and he was acting like this, I was shocked. "Allison's aunt, Lydia almost got killed too, whos gonna be next? Allison? You? But oh no, it can't be you... You're in love, so in love in fact that everything gonna work out like sunshine and roses?" He said mockingly, I sniffled, I hadn't realized I was crying until now. "If that's what you believe... then you're better off dead." He whispered running his hand along my neck, I felt the claws sliding along my skin, and I stiffened. "I just hope you've been learning all sorts of ways to defend yourself..." He whispered to me and it was at that moment I remembered I wasn't hopeless, or stuck, that shock was gone and now I felt like I could defend myself, I just needed a reminder.

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