Dying Friend, Awkward Dinner.

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Chapter Nine


I walked the halls numbly. A Witch.. how could a bite turn me into a witch? Genetically, Derek said. Or the shape you take reflects who you are.. which was it? Dad was not a witch, mom wasn't.. maybe one of our grandparents? I was so lost in thought I almost screamed when Allison latched herself on me.

"So study night, me you and Scott.?" She asked and I nodded. It was Scott's idea to bring me.

"Yours right?" I asked and she nodded.

"I can't wait." She giggled and ran off, I stood there, zoning out and the bell went off my heart jumped. I walked out of the school and saw my brother in his car with Derek in front of him. "Derek.." I ran over and bumped into Scott as I did, us both going over there. I was looking around and saw Allison.

"It's in her house, she's an Argent. Y/N or you, I don't care, get it." Derek said and I pushed Scott leaning into the window.

"You'll be okay, right? I mean I do need a teacher, and I really care about you, and if you die, I will raise you back up and kill you again." I said and Derek laughed, gently rubbing my cheek, I saw stiles roll his eyes, and he hummed.

"I'm not gonna die, just get the bullet. And i promise ill help you with your abilities." He mumbled and I slipped away, And as stiles took off with Derek I looked at Allison who was walking over.

"Hey, what's he doing here."

"Stiles was just giving him a ride," I said. "You still good to  drive me, right?" I asked and Allison giggled.

"Yeah." She grabbed my hand and pulled me along to her car.


We pulled up and Scott was right with us, I laughed and Allison looked confused. We got out and I followed them inside, I'd been here before we went upstairs, She put her things down and I was texting Stiles- well Derek threw stiles' phone. "What are you good at?" Scott asked and I giggled as Allison smirked at me.

"Come, I'll show you something." She said and we all got up going downstairs.

"Alli I'm gonna get a drink," I said walking into the kitchen I looked around, I was alone, and I knew this place like the back of my hand, even the guest room. But before I even had a chance to look around I heard the front door open. I walked out and saw Chris walking into the garage. I saw a woman walk into the kitchen and we both froze.

"Hello there." She said and I squinted my eyes at her.

"Aunt Kate," I said to her and she smiled.

"You must be Allison's friend." She said and I nodded.

"Yes ma'am."

"Mind helping with the groceries?" She asked and I nodded once again.

"Love too." She pulled me with her and I looked at her.

"Are you the friend that got mulled?" She asked and I looked away nodding. "Touchy subject?" She asked.

"Kinda. I'm not completely healed yet so, it's still soon."

"You aren't healed?" She asked. "I heard you got bit." She said and I nodded. "Has that healed?" I shook my head.

"No ma'am. It was deep. I had surgery on it." I said and she nodded.

"Are you healing normally? No infection?"

"None, I'm healing normally, thank god," I said smiling and she handed me a bag.

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