Thanks Mom.

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Chapter Thirteen

Foot on the gas, going 90 in a 30 zone, my life couldn't get better. Scott in the back, Stiles next to me, I'm driving, and Kate Argent's following me in this stupid car chase.

"I'm gonna be so pissed if he found nothing out.!" I yelled and Stiles looked at me. I looked at him and sighed reading his face. "Fast and Furious," I said stepping on the gas harder and then suddenly slamming on the brakes and going hard left, then the gas pedal to the fucking metal.

"My sister... Is AWESOME!" Stiles laughed making me smirk, I looked in the rear-view and saw her turn, that's when the police radio went.

"Suspect on foot, running into the Iron Works."

"Ironworks- Dad's hot on his tail," I said doing another hard turn into the works, I saw Derek and stopped, Stiles, opened the door and got in the back. "Get in!!" I yelled and Derek jumped in, as I pressed on the gas seeing Chris shooting at us, I was smiling wide, loving the action and did a turn onto the main road. Going back to the normal speed limit and law-abiding driving.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?!" Scott yelled

"Ah! I had him!" Derek yelled in frustration.

"The alpha?" I asked and he nodded.

"Until the freaking police showed up!"

"Woah hey, they're just doing their job," Stiles said poking his head out and Derek gave him a dirty look.

"Yeah, blame the someone who wanted to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state!" Derek yelled looking at Scott.

"Can't we get past that?! How did you find him anyway?!" Scott asked

"The last time I talked to my sister she was close to figuring something out, she found two things, a guy named Harris-"

"Our chemistry teacher.?" Stiles and I said in unison. To which Derek rolled his eyes.

"And this symbol." He pulled out a paper and I groaned, Scott too. "What you've seen it?"

"Allison's necklace," I said.


"I can't get the necklace!" I said walking into the school with them. "Scott you have to," I said and he looked at me.

"Wh-what?!" He asked.

"First, remember you owe me, and second, I can't, her dad is on to me. I haven't seen him since dinner but I can ask her where she's keeping it and if there's a moment I can I will, but I doubt it." I said and Scott sighed nodding. "Other than that, I'm sticking with Stiles today, good luck," I said Patting his chest. Grabbing my brother's arm and walking away.

"You're being mean on purpose," Stiles said and I nodded.

"Oh yeah definitely."


"What the plan?" I asked standing with Stiles.

"You remember that text 'you' sent on the night of the school, that wasn't even sent with your phone." He said and I looked at him.

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