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Chapter Five


Y/N was pretty, I wanted to get to know her more. I was sitting on her bed two days after the full moon. "Derek? I was doing some research.." she mumbled looking up at me, she was wearing baby pink silk Pjs, I nodded at her.

"What were you searching for?" I asked and she sat on her large bed. I could tell she was either spoiled or hard-working. Her room was a perfect representative of a Rich spoiled teen. But she didn't act that way and the house didn't look that way, it was just her room.

"Well, werewolves."

I froze. "Why?"

"Wolfsbane is used to Ward them off in lore.. makes them sick."

She took the flower out and patted the bed, I sat closer next to her, and she shoved the flower in my face, my eyes flashed bright blue and I growled at the sent with a whine.

"I knew it." She stood up and I looked at her, eyes glowing and teeth poking threw my lips

She stared at me before getting in my lap and pushing me down, she opened my mouth and, just looked, as if she was examining me.

"So fascinating.. werewolves are real. your teeth a razor-sharp.." she then looked at my hand. "Your claws too. perfect for slicing flesh."

I started to shift back and she was about to get off me when there was a knock on the door, her Dad. She looked down at me and quickly got off. "My dad's home." She mumbled.

"Y/N you okay? I swore I heard another person in there.." he said and Y/N came up with an excuse quick.

"Nope, I'm just talking to myself, studying."

"Can I come in?" He asked

"Can I put my bra on first?" She asked putting the flower back in her necklace. As I opened the window.

"I'm just gonna head to bed, good night, love you." He said awkwardly and walked away, and I smirked at her she only looked slyly at me.

"Bye Der-Bear.." She mumbled playfully I laughed.

"Don't call me that-" she laughed and then I waved and I smiled jumping out of the window.

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