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"Six~ feet~ un~ der~" he spoke those words in a sing-song voice swishing his fingers back and forth with every word.

Both the blonds' worlds shattered, their crimson eyes stretching so big they seemed like they could pop out. Bakugo felt sick to his stomach, like he couldn't stand, lucky for him he didn't need to stand because he was floating but still the pain was unbearable. His childhood friend, Deku had murdered a child without hesitation or remorse, and he seemed happy about it, the boy that wouldn't hurt a fly, that respected human life above all else, well human and whatever their principal was, had killed a little girl. Granted she would have been roughly 19 at this point but Bakugo couldn't imagine her any older than 8. It didn't excuse the fact that Deku, who was practically her older brother, who had known her since age 6 had not only kidnapped her, but killed her because she couldn't give him what he wanted.

"WHY?" Ground Zero thundered tears streaming from his eyes, both for the kid, and her adoptive fathers, but mostly because his friend was so far gone.

"Are you crying, that so unlike you Katsuki, I haven't seen you cry this much since Kiri-"

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY HIS NAME!" Ground Zero bellowed, thrashing about in the chair.

"Oh? Did I strike a nerve? Sorry but it's true, you never cared for anyone like you cared for our dearly departed friend." Bakugo growled at hearing the fake sentiment that Deku's voice carried towards his Shitty Hair. "Speaking of friends," Deku said, his voice once again becoming very cheery sounding, "do tell me how everyone is doing these days. How's your little squad? Good I hope. Are you all still in contact?"

When the villain didn't receive an answer he spun full circle grabbing his knife in the process. "I asked you a question, Katsuki."

"They're fine." Ground Zero said through gritted teeth. He needed to buy more time, somehow he could get out of this, but he needed time to think. Then a cocky grin graced his lips, raising an eyebrow he started again, "but don't you want to know how your friends are?"

Deku sensed his change in tone and got excited. "So, you're telling me you kept in touch with my friends."

"Yeah, we are all Pros after all, Glasses and Round Face are doing fine, they grieved for years after your 'death', but they seem stable now. Frog was pretty much the same. Although stable is hardly the word I would use for #2."

'Shoto-kun isn't well?" Deku said, cocking his head to the side, smiling wildly.

"He came back from his last mission in a coma. Rumer has it he was sent to look for, well, you, I guess."

"Oh, it's a shame he survived," Deku said, seeming slightly aggravated.

"Oh don't put on such an act you know you spared him intentionally, just like you would have if any of your other little friends showed up to stop you. You don't seem like the kind to make mistakes, after all." Ground Zero smiled at Deku's reaction, he was right.

"Wow even after all this time you still know me so well. Something in his eyes reminded me of our first Sports Festival, it caused a... momentary weakness. But tell me, since you know me so well," smile returning to his face, "will I spare you?"

Bakugo searched the villains eyes for the answer, he didn't like what he saw, so he redirected his attention to his older counterpart. Fear and dread were all over the man's face. "What..?" Bakugo whispered.

"No" Ground Zero said plainly.

"DING DING DING, AND THE WINNER IS THE AMAZING GROUND ZERO!" the villain said in a game show voice. He lifted his left foot and spun on his right heel, he then walked over to his desk and pulled out a box which he placed his knife inside of, then he put the box back in its drawer. "And what does the hero win? A far more merciful death than the one I had originally planned." He said, rolling up his sleeves to reveal his forearms that were riddled with scars, he pulled out black gloves and slid them onto his fingers, and he gave a snap to the wrist for dramatic flair. Then he reached into his waistcoat pocket and pulled out an intricately carved wine and green purse pistol. He held it up to the light, then he stretched out his hand with the gun aiming it directly at Ground Zero's heart.

Bakugo froze. He didn't want to watch this but he couldn't take his eyes away from the scene in front of him. He was stuck to watch his most likely demise.

"Oh wait," Deku said pointing the gun away from the hero for a moment, gesturing with it as he talked. "You don't have a heart so pointing here would do shit!" He tapped the barrel of the gun on his chin and he thought for a moment. Then he stopped and looked at the man before him, "It's risky but," he said pointing the gun at Ground Zero's head, "I'll just have to try to get a bullet through that thick skull of yours." he said with a wicked grin and psychotic eyes to match. "Don't forget to go towards the light, I'd hate to have to shoot you twice."


Bakugo's ears rang. He could tell the villain was saying something, the man was jumping up and down and looked happy as all hell, but his own head was pounding so viciously that he couldn't tell what was being said. He backed up slowly and fumbled out of the building, he tripped on-air, half his body sticking outside looking into the blinding light of the late afternoon sun. The spirit that had brought him there appeared over top of him looking into his eyes. Bakugo laid there for a while processing and looking up at the spirit with pleading eyes. Then everything once again hit him, and he fully realized the weight of his own actions upon the future. He scrambled to his feet floating into the air and reaching for the spirit. He latched onto the spirits collar and shook him as he spoke.

"NO, NO, NO THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING. THIS ISN'T RIGHT!" he screeched, tears forming.


"PLEASE I'LL DO ANYTHING! I CAN CHANGE!" He started banging on Future's chest. "I CAN CHANGE. JUST DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO ME, TO IZUKU! THIS CAN'T BE HIS FUTURE HE DESERVES BETTER THAN THIS HELL!" Bakugo collapsed onto the floor a heap of tears and snot.

"P-please I can *sniff* change. Deku, please, I can c-*sniffle*ange *gasp*. I can't lose you like I lost Eijiro. I can change, I can change, please I can change, I can change I can change..." Bakugo clung to himself as he sobbed into the dirt, repeating those words over and over and over, and over again, as he shook. The spirit just looked at the display unmoving, expressionless and still.

(SORRY FOR BEING A DAY LATE! What a ride of emotions that was. Can you imagine seeing yourself get shot? But I must say I loved writing a crazy psycho character like my version of Villain Deku, if you ever get a chance to write a crazy character DO IT. It's so liberating, it's the best type of therapy there is, getting all your demons out on paper. I'm really going to miss writing him, maybe I'll make a Villain Deku story. Tell me in the Comments if that is something you would like to see!? This story will be coming to an end next week so come back please. Until next time, I'm Fairy Fever and I hope you like it!)

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