Ch.4: Present Friendship is a Gift.

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(Hey, just want to clarify that when time traveling I like to use descriptions and the 'Bakugo names' for other characters. If you get confused on which character is which then you should look up a list online. The reason I do this is because they are easier for me remember and way easier for me to spell.)

An unknown amount of time passed before Bakugo was reawoken. And he was not happy about it. Deep in his sleep he was dreaming of happy things like little puppies and kittens working together in harmony for the common goal of beating the crap out of Deku. Then suddenly he began to hear that annoying background music for those craft and unboxing videos, except it was being played by a saxophone and trumpet? The sound that woke him was like murder to his eardrums; and not in the good way, it was a smooth jazz cover of 'Carefree'. (If you don't know what Carefree is look up 'youtuber background music' and you'll find it, it's horrific.)

Bakugo shakingly opened his eyes dreading what he would see, begging it was just stupid Pikachu pranking him. He looked around and saw that his room was filled with floating jazz instruments playing themselves, also in the middle of the room was a large table filled with holiday foods, like turkey, ham, and potatoes, as well as two chairs. One small wooden chair and a big velvet throne. A man with blonde hair, small ey- he looked like Mirio okay... His eyes were the same but his outfit wasn't something he would normally wear. He donned a golden wreath upon his head. Toga loosely draped over his toned body. (OMG...really man, like the clothes from ancient Rome or Greece, not the character, get your mind out of the gutter.) Bakugo was annoyed to see the Pro Hero in his room, but due to all the glaring evidence, he was another stupid spirit he didn't really have a choice but to let the transparent dot eyed oaf do whatever he came to do.

"So I guess you're here to fucking take me for a ride, eh Dot Eyes?" Bakugo said with mild anger.

"HAHAHA Sorry kid but I don't swing that way" the man said.

"WHAT! NO! I-I DIDN'T SAY! WAIT WHAT?" Bakugo said, pissed and flustered. On top of that he was now 100% sure that this wasn't Mirio after all everyone knew he had recently come out as bi, and in fact did swing that way, even dating another male Pro, who's name Bakugo never did care to learn, it was something like Sunny boy? FoodDude? Skymuncher? It didn't really matter.

"HAHAHA I'm just messing with you" the spirit said with Mirio's classic smile donning his face. "I'm the Spirit of Friendship Present, and I'm here to help you sort through your... .... issues. BUT FIRST come here and sit with me, Boy. This feast is too large for one spirit alone."

Bakugo cautiously sat down in the little chair, as soon as he did a plethora of food flew onto his plate, the fork moved on its own bringing a bite up to his face. He opened his mouth to refuse, but the fork just shoved the bite in his mouth. It was mouth, and eye watering good, the most satisfying bite he had ever eaten in his life. He opened his mouth again for another, and as soon as he did the fork started to move. Then the entire table vanished, as did Bakugo's chair dropping him on his butt.

The taller man was still sitting on his throne. "Well I'm stuffed'' he said, dabbing his lips with a gold rimmed silk handkerchief, "Now that we've had our fill I think we ought to get going."

Bakugo just stayed on the floor. His eyes were big and his mouth was gaping. He looked like a dying fish. He was actually too shocked to be mad, he was too shook to move. He was paralysed by the mass amount of 'WTF just happened energy'.

"Come on Boy, get off the floor. We have plenty to see, and not much time to see it." said the man, as he stood up, he clapped his hands and his chair disappeared. He brushed off his toga and reached his hand out to Bakugo. Which snapped him out of his trance. Of course the simple gesture pissed the boy off causing him to swat the man's hand away. Unfortunately his hand went right through the spirit's hand. This made the dot eyed man laugh, only angering the boy further. Refusing to be further embarrassed he sprung up onto his feat, putting his hands in his pockets, giving a classic standing Bakugo pose.

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