Ch.7: Old Friends Fight in A Future Like Mine.

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     One quick Time Tube trip and Bakugo found himself standing outside a decrepit old building. No, he literally found #1 Pro Hero, 'The Killer of Crime', Ground Zero, standing outside, hidden watching a shady looking forest cabin.

"Oh? Ok, we're going to watch me kick ass first, huh? I'm cool with that." The floating Bakugo said smugly, his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"This is the building my informant told me to go too, but it doesn't seem too heavily guarded. No way the villains responsible for capturing Aizawa's brat are here." Ground Zero said with a pissed expression.

"Whatever, at least I know I made the right call insisting none of those idiots in my Agency came along. They would have all gotten in my fucking way with all their sentmental crap." He continued, looking and sounding more smug than angry.

"Good to know I still think the same way, you don't need all those fucking extras getting in the way of a real hero" Bakugo said just as smugly as his future counterpart.

     Ground Zero was getting up about to advance towards the building when suddenly a hooded figure appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

"WATCH OUT. BEHIND YOU!" Bakugo yelled, forgetting that when traveling in time no one could hear you.

     The hero was knocked out immediately by five swift jabs to the back and neck. Then the hooded person grabbed the unconscious man and disappeared as fast as he had arrived.

"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!" Bakugo yelled, in utter confusion as to how his older version had been beaten so quickly.

"Where did they go," he asked the spirit. To which the only response he was given was the spirit pointing his staff in the direction of the back room of the cabin.

     Bakugo quickly floated over to the building and made his way in by simply going through the wall. It was dark inside with only two small orange bulbs lighting the room. So it took his eyes some time to adjust. One, slightly brighter, light hung just barely to the right of some kind of desk, or work bench. And the other, duller, light was positioned over a metal chair with a man strapped onto it. The man's hands were cuffed to the chair with what Bakugo assumed were Anti-Quirk Cuffs and his ankles were also cuffed to the chair. On top of that his legs and chest had been fastened to the chair with leather straps. At first Bakugo couldn't tell who the man was because of the crappy lighting, but as he got closer he recognized him.

"What..." Bakugo whispered as he came face to face with Ground Zero, his face bloodied and his mask almost torn off. In that short amount of time the villain had completely made a fool of the hero.

      Suddenly the man began to wake up, his eyes fluttered and he looked, unknowingly, into the floating boy's eyes. He searched his surroundings, head pounding and vision blurry, but slowly he began to understand what had happened, and once his senses once again sharpened he began thrashing about in the chair attempting to get free. He discovered that he was unable to use his quirk, no surprise there. And that he was stuck to the chair and the chair was stuck to the ground. He had no way of escape, hopefully the villain would mess up sometime soon and he could get free.

Abruptly a voice appeared from the darkness, causing young Bakugo to spin around and step to the side of the restrained hero. "Welcome, Katsuki Bakugo, I'm so very glad you could make it. Although you are a little later than expected." The booming voice said with a cheery but not excited tone.

"Who are you?" Ground Zero asked.

"W-who am I. Why Katsuki, I'm hurt that you don't remember me. And after all we've been through." the villain said in a hurt tone.

Then the villain spoke again more distant than hurt in his voice this time, "Or should I say, after all that you put me through."

"I don't know what random grudge you have with me, but you better show yourself. I don't like games" Ground Zero retorted.

"You still don't know, and after such a big hint, I guess I'll have to give you another" he said in a joking manner, then villain then suddenly changed tones, the next words he would say were said in a higher far more innocent voice, coated in hope and life and fascination.

"Wow, Kacchan, you're so cool~."

(Cliff Hanger! Just going to have to wait until next week to find out who it is. But I have a feeling real fans will already know. PLEASE GIVE ME A COMMENT WITH WHAT YOU THINK SO FAR! AND DON'T FORGET TO HIT THAT STAR! I'm telling you this and the next few chapters are the best part of the whole story. Until next time, I'm Fairy Fever and I hope you like it!)

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