Ch.2: Your Past Determines Your Friendships.

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Suddenly the boy was awoken by a loud and very high pitch "Hello!" he sprung to sit up on the bed to see what had startled him awake. The top half of a young woman had popped out of the foot of his bed. But she was facing the other way, she quickly wiggled herself the rest of the way out giggling as she did so. Once she had floated high enough to reach open air, she spun and flipped. Bakugo recognized her very quickly, she had pink skin and curly hair of a matching color, she had black sclera, and of course black pupils, but her irises were the coldest shade of ice blue that Bakugo had ever seen and they glowed in the dark of the room.

"What the hell? I know you... Pinky what are you doing in my room, and why the hell aren't your eyes yellow?" Bakugo asked, confused and tired.

"Pinky? Oh wow my skin is pink, how weird. You must have such wonderfully unique friends if this is the form I took on. Does your friend have yellow eyes, sorry about that but I don't really like changing my eye color." said the girl that apparently wasn't Ashido.

Her tone was very excited and she spoke quite quickly, her voice sounded like Ashido, and she looked like Ashido, but she didn't dress like Ashido. Ashido has very modern fashion, tight, form fitting, brightly colored, and full of patterns. But the floating bubblegum girl in front of him dressed quite differently. She wore a loose fitting dress with spaghetti straps. The dress was the same ethereal blue as her eyes, it glittered and felt as though it was a part of her. The end of the long dress faded slowly into glittering star dust. The top of the dress, though loose fitting fit her breasts perfectly. She was stunning, though Bakugo wasn't all that interested in what she looked like, but why she had suddenly appeared in his room.

"You're wondering who I am, and why I'm in your room, right? said the blue eyed girl.


"OMG introduction time, yay! I am the Spirit of Friendship Past. I am here to help you change your ways, by taking you to your fond memories with the friends of your childhood." she said with much excitement, and gusto. "So let's go""


"Well of course you are Silly, I didn't come all this way for you not to come."

This made him angry, but after what happened earlier with the wall, he thought it better not to charge at her.

"Look Silly, let me take you out on this little trip, as soon as we're done you come back home like nothing even happened, M'kay?!"

Bakugo stopped caring, after all what was he so worked up about, it was just another dream, or hallucination, either way he just wanted to get it over with. "Fine" was the only thing he said as he nodded to the floating girl.

"Wonderful" she responded as she waved her hand in a circle and opened up a portal. Her portal didn't seem like it was a quirk, more like the magic you could read about in old children's books. It shimmered in the same blue as her eyes and dress, and glittery magical particles floated within it. Suddenly the pink girl grabbed the boy's hand and tugged him along towards the portal. "Ready?" she said right before placing both hands on his back and pushing him into the portal.

"HOLD OOOONNNN!" he yelled and he was flung into the swirling light.

The girl dove right in after him. They found themselves floating in a tunnel of blue light. They didn't talk, their time in the "Time Tube" as Bakugo had internally named it was filled with only the sound of the Pink Idiot's humming. She was humming old Holiday songs and Bakugo was getting increasingly more annoyed, but he didn't show it, he figured he would have plenty more time to be pissed and it wasn't really worth the effort right this moment.

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