The $$100 Billion Double Dollar Woman-3

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~Passing Bullet~

I looked at the ceiling and threw a ball at it. It bounced off the wall let it land in my hand before throwing it again. Someone came in and pointed a gun at my face. It was a lady, looked like a nurse. Her hand was shaking.

"Come one, lady, I've been shot once already, and it hurt the first time, I don't want to be shot again." I sighed, grabbing the gun she had. I took it and threw it out the window. She stumbled back and took out another gun. I got up and sat on the side of the bed for awhile before getting up.

Even though I was short, I still towered over her. "You wan the bounty, don't you?" I asked her.

"Y-yes. W-we need it for the town. I-its dying." She stuttered. "The $$100 billion double dollars should cover more than everything!"

"Just go after Vash the Stampede. He should be enough." I said, grabbing my gun.

"Please p-put the gun down, miss!" She whimpered.

"I made a promise not to die, I intend to keep it, so until then, I won't get killed." I told her pointing the gun at her. She dropped her gun and screamed. I put the gun in my holster and laughed. She stopped screaming and looked at me.

"I'm sorry! Its just so priceless!" I laughed. "The look on your face."

"You aren't going to shoot me?" She asked.

"No!" I laughed. "Do you want me to?"

She shook her head and my laughing died down. Vash came in the door and looked at me then the woman.

"What? Something happen?" He asked.

"No, no, not at all. Just telling jokes. Isn't that right?" I told him, looking at the lady.

"Hehe, yes. I love her jokes!" The lady lied, smiling. "Well, you're free to go."

"Thanks lady." I said, walking past Vash. He turned around and followed. We left the building and walked past the sheriff's office. I stopped and looked at a wanted poster of Vash.

"Expensive bounty you got there." I said, pointing to the paper.

"$$100 billion double dollars is more than mine. Looks like you're wanted more than I am!" He said. I looked at the middle of the board and nearly yelled.

"The hell is this?!" I growled.

"What?" Vash asked, walking over.

"Vash the Stampede and his GIRLFRIEND Passing Bullet wanted for $$300 double dollars!" I read.

"G-girlfriend?!" He stammered. "Well that would be nice!"

I gave him a sharp look and took the poster down. I crumbled it up and threw it behind me. Vash dove for it and caught it. "No littering!" He said, getting up and dusting himself off.

Something hit me in the back of the head and I fell forwards, hitting face first on the ground. Some kids came over.

"I'm real sorry for hitting your girlfriend mister!" The kid told Vash.

"No problem." He said, grabbing the ball.

I just laid there, on my belly and sprawled out. Vash kneeled down with a stick and poked my face. I grabbed the stick and broke it. I took one half of it and hit him on the head.

"Ow! That hurt!" He said, holding his head.

"What, did you think it'd feel like feathers?" I growled, throwing the stick at him. He caught it and put it on the ground.

"No, but you could've done it abit less harder!" He complained.

"Hahaha, sure!" I sarcasticly laughed.

The kids started making kissing noises at us. I growled and leaped for them but Vash tripped me.

"I'm sure you can't hurt kids." He said.

I got up and lunged for them, but instead of tripping me, he grabbed me and held me back.

"LET GO! LET ME AT THOSE LITTLE WEASLES!" I growled, struggling to get out of his grip. He laughed and patted my head. I want limp and growled. He walked off, still carrying me, to the saloon. We entered and everyone looked at us like we were crazy. He had me under his arm like some luggage.

"What? Haven't you seen someone have a slave before?" I said. "This means I don't have to walk."

"What? I'm not-" He started. I put my hand over his mouth and smiled. "You can put me down now." I said. He put me on my two feet and I went to sit at the counter. Some guys called him over to a table and I eavesdropped.

"Who's that lady? Are you really her slave? Shouldn't it be reversed?" The man asked.

"She's a friend. And I want to be the slave of a pretty lady." Vash said, looking at me. I growled and threw a butter knife at him. It landed right in front of him, sticking straight up and it was stabbed into the table. He moved back and laughed nervously.

"Hm, well. Let us by you a drink, my man. You scored." The man said, calling the waiter over.

~1 hour later~

"TO THE BLONDES!" Everyone in the bar yelled, including me. We all chugged down our drinks and I threw my mug at the wall, making it shatter. Everyone laughed and Vash put his arm around me. We all romped around an hand a good time. After sometime, we put our arms around each other for support and stumbled to the nearest hotel. I made my finger in a gun shape and pointed it at his head.

"Bang!" I said. Vash fell over. I looked at my finger gun and then at Vash. He got up and we kept stumbling away. When we found a hotel, we rented a room, without noticing it was the same one and had one bed.

We both fell down into bed. The light was off so I couldn't see, but I noticed when Vash put his arm around me. I pushed it off and used it to hit himself. Drunk as hell, I fell asleep.

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