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~Passing Bullet~

"OUT!" A man yelled, kicking me out the door.

"But, sir, I'm sure you have some cookies! Please?!" I pleaded, turning around, still on the dusty ground.

"AND DON'T COME BACK, YOU SCAVENGER!" He hollered, ignoring me.

He slammed the door to the shop so hard that it shook the ground.

"All I asked for was cookies and some water! What's the big deal?!" I murmured.

"Excuse me, miss, are you okay?" I heard someone ask. I looked around.

"Who, me?" I asked back, looking up.

"Yes miss. You okay?" The voice asked again.

"Yeah..." I sighed, blowing some sand.

When I looked up again, I saw a hand extended down to help me up. I took the hand and got up, brushing the sand off. I picked up my glasses, sliding them on my face. I finally got a good look at the voice's speaker. He was tall with blonde spikey hair and the same glasses as me. He had the same coat, and boots, and eye colour. We looked exsacly the same except I was a girl.

"Thanks." I said, patting my pockets. I realized that old geezer still had my gun! "That guy still has my gun!"

"What? They took your gun?" He asked. I nodded.

"Mhm." When I turned around to go back inside, something silver hit me in the face. I fell backward and landed with a thud and the gun landed on my face. "Ow..." I whimpered, taking my gun and looking at the two suns.

"That's no way to treat a lady." The guy said, walking in.

When he walked in, and I sat back and crossed my legs to sit criss-cross. He came out with a bag full of doughnuts, cookies, and water.

"W-what?! How?!" I gasped.

"I dunno." He shrugged.

"Oh, I never caught your name." I said, getting up and grabbing my gun. I spun it around my finger and put it in its holster.

"I dunno. Every calls me Vash, though." He introduced, taking a doughnut out of the bag and eating it.

"V-Vash?! Vash the Stampede?!" I gasped.

He nodded.

"Well, Vash. Its a pleasure. They call me Passing Bullet." I say, tilting my head to crack my neck.

"I've heard of you before. I've heard you're 'Vash's Shadow'. But honestly, I never expected a girl." He said, handing me some cookies. My eyes brightened and I took them gratefully. I ate them and shrugged.

"Well, I now have the same amount on my head as you do now. I live up to the name as 'Vash's Shadow'." I boasted.

"So, I guess I'll see you later." He said, giving my the bag, but taking the doughnuts.
I'll possibly never see this guy again! This is my only chance!

"Vash! Wait!" I called, running after him. He looked over his shoulder.


I panted and bent down, letting my hair hang over. I held my hand up and coughed.

"Okay...hang on..." I panted, waving my hand to catch my breath. "Can I come with you?" I asked when I caught my breath.

"I'm not going anywhere in particular, but sure." He said, turning around again.

I followed him in silence all the way to some small town.

We walked into the nearest restaurant. The only people there was a mom with her son and the waitress. We sat down at the nearest table and I leaned back in the chair as the waitress came over. I didn't listen to what Vash told her. After what felt like an eternity, a bullet shot through the air right at the little boy. I quickly jumped up and drew my gun, not looking over. I shot the gun an heard a noise that sounded like two sword hitting together. The kid, who was curled up and had his mother wrapped around him protectively, looked up. He realised he wasn't going to get killed and looked around for the bullet that tried to kill him. Vash looked at me with a shocked and impressed move together.

"What'd you do?!" The boy's mother asked.

"I shot the bullet. Moved it off course." I told her, pointing to where the stray bullet landed, which was lodged into one of the walls. I pointed to where my bullet was, which was in one of the other walls.

"Who are you, miss?" The waitress asked me.

"No one. Just a passing bullet and her companion stampede." I said and smiled. I put my gun away and patted Vash on his shoulder. "Come on, let's go."

We left and waved bye to the kid. The boy smiled and waved back. When we went outside, this guy was crouched below the window. I hit him over the head with the gun he had. "Shame. Can't even shoot a small child." I scoffed, tossing his gun back to him.
So far so good.

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