Chapter 9: Acquainted With Shadow

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Sonic groaned and slowly opened his eyes, squinting them once he accidentally glanced up a bright light before everything went dim and a familiar figure with ruby red eyes stood over him, the figure wiping Sonic's head with a white cloth stained in some of his blood on it before the figure sat up and walked away, the figure turning out to be Shadow while Sonic's vision cleared up and he found himself lying on his back somewhere while candles were placed on rocky edges, sunlight shining in through wherever Sonic woke up in.

'What in the world just happened? Wasn't I about to be eliminated by Metal a few minutes ago?' Sonic wondered.

"Appears that the blue hero lives," Shadow grumbled, earning Sonic to glance at him to see the black and red hedgehog standing there with his arms crossed.

"What even happened?" Sonic asked as he sat up, raising a nonexistent brow at Shadow.

"You were too weak to take down Metal Sonic last night, that's what," Shadow replied.

"Hey, I'm not a weakling! And for your information, you were the one who left!" Sonic exclaimed angrily, groaning in pain as he clutched his hand on his chest.

Shadow narrowed his eyes at Sonic before huffing and grabbed the bucket, stepped outside, and dumped the water out while ringing the cloth before hanging it on a very low tree branch to dry.

"So you do remember last night's events," Shadow said while turning to Sonic.

"Only that I was attacked by Metal after you helped me escape Eggman's base, then the rest is just a blur," Sonic replied.

"Then I won't be needing to give full details," Shadow said before disappearing in a green flash from chaos controlling who knows where.

"Stubborn hedgehog," Sonic grumbled, crossing his arms before pouting on the bed he woke on.

Sonic glanced around his surroundings, seeing that he had woken up in some sort of cave while more candles sat on the small edges used as shelves on the wall of the cave until the blue hedgehog spotted something that got his full attention and he stood up, walked to where he spotted the object and picked up a photo of a human girl with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes, the girl wearing a blue outfit and a headband that reminded him of Amy's, but a different color while on the bottom of the photo said "Maria" on it in a very cursive and neat handwriting.

"When did humans step foot on Bygone Island?" Sonic asked himself.

"When did someone teach you manners," Shadow said, having Sonic get startled and turn around, seeing the ebony hedgehog glaring at him.

"Then who is she?" Sonic questioned while holding up the picture of Maria.

"None of your concern," Shadow replied while snatching the photo from Sonic's hand and putting it back where it was.

"A friend of yours or something?" Sonic pushed.

Shadow growled in response and glared daggers at Sonic, this alone having Sonic feel like he just really angered him as the blue hero backed up, inwardly terrified that the black and red hedgehog might beat him up worse than on the day the Turtles showed up.

"If you don't want your wounds to be reopened, you'll stay away from my stuff or else." Shadow threatened him.

"Sorry, I was only confused when I saw the picture of this girl, who is she anyway?" Sonic asked curiously.

"None of your concern," Shadow replied before he snatched the photo out of Sonic's hand and put it back in its place. 

"Alright then, maybe you could at least tell me where we're at?" Sonic asked Shadow.

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