Chapter 13: Sonic vs Shredder

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Sonic spin dashed through some Foot Bots as he recalled the Turtles calling them, the last remaining ones charging at him from behind before he turned around, punching one into another and spin dashed the others, landing once he uncurled himself and glanced around at the broken robots.

"And Leo thinks I can't handle that Toaster Face, yeah right." Sonic chuckled to himself.

Suddenly, a wolf-looking creature rammed itself into Sonic, knocking him on the ground. Sonic groaned and stood up to see the wolf looking like he hadn't eaten for a while standing there alongside a tiger with one missing eye and no tail, a fish-looking thing about Sonic's height with robotic legs and tubes on it, a warthog wearing a black and purple jumpsuit, and a mohawk on the warthog's head, and lastly, a rhinoceros wearing army-looking clothes with one blind eye.

"Well look what we got here, a band of animal-looking freaks," Sonic remarked with a grin on his face.

"A mutated rat with attitude and strange scarf." The rhinoceros replied.

"I'm a hedgehog, and not whatever the heck a mutant is," Sonic said, rolling his eyes at the rhinoceros.

"But you're surely a threat and friends with the Turtles, you reek of their scent." The tiger said.

"Oh, I'm a threat alright, a threat that will take you out just like I did to your robots." Sonic chuckled, going into a battle stance.

"I take the first shot!" The warthog said before he spun around, lasers shooting out of his belt.

Sonic sped out of the way and spin dashed the rhinoceros, having him stagger backward before the wolf barked and charged at him, the wolf's class out and extended. Sonic swiftly ducked out of the way before he spin dashed upwards, hitting the wolf on his jaw. The tiger growled and took out two blasters and began firing, one blaster shooting red lasers while the other one shot ice that stuck out wherever it landed as Sonic dodged the blasts with the speed giving him his name and spin dashed the tiger, hitting him on the side of his head, the tiger grunting on impact before he activated his rocket and flew up in the air, proceeding to shoot at Sonic.

"Why be up there, cat? The party's down here!" Sonic said before he spin dashed upwards, hitting the rocket on the tiger's back as sparks started spraying from it, and the tiger ended up flying around out of control before plummeting a long distance away.

"You're messing with the wrong people here, fool!" The warthog yelled, his mohawk glowing before he threw an object looking like it at Sonic.

Sonic sped out of the way, the purple mohawk-looking object hitting a tree and exploding on impact right as the wolf charged, only to be pinned down by the falling tree along with the warthog.

"You don't have very good aim, do you, pighead?" Sonic chuckled, only to hear roaring and glance over to see the rhinoceros charging at him with his head down to strike him with his horn.

Sonic sped out of the way, letting the rhinoceros hit a tree face-first, his horn getting stuck as the rhinoceros struggled to pull himself free until Sonic sped around, jumping off the surrounding trees and spin dashing the rhinoceros, knocking him free as the rhinoceros grunted each time he hit him before Sonic spin dashed him right on his forehead, knocking the rhinoceros out as he fell, unconscious. Sonic uncurled himself and stood with his hands on his hips, glancing around at the fallen villains in triumph.

"And the Turtles had trouble taking you guys down? I did that in just two minutes." Sonic inquired.

"Then perhaps you won't need their help while facing me." A new voice said.

Sonic turned around, seeing what he assumed was Shredder jumping down from a tall tree branch, the human assassin landing on his feet with ease before he stood up straight, his face covered with a metal mask, leaving only his eyes visible.

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