Chapter 15

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Ahsoka's hand trembles as it tries to keep her mug of tea steady. Padmé notices, giving her a soft smile as she lowers the drink to the table and releases Ahsoka's white-knuckle grip on the handle.

She's angry at the Jedi for causing Ahsoka so much physical and emotional pain. Most of the time, Padmé disagrees with their politics, but she has never questioned their war strategies. After all, they're the Generals.

This though... this is a war crime.

Padmé's pretty sure the Council have broken multiple laws by executing this plan, both by deceiving the original Hardeen and by lying about their plan within their own party.

She doesn't think taking them to court will benefit anyone. After all, they've been using child soldiers for centuries and nobody has even batted an eyelid.

She sighs, bringing herself out of her thoughts to comfort the trembling Togruta. Ahsoka is curled up in a ball on the couch in the main palace lounge, practically nestled in Padmé's lap.

"Breathe, Ahsoka." She urges softly, rubbing the girl's shoulder where the knotted blaster bolt scar lies. "Just focus on breathing."

From years spent with Anakin, Padmé knows how dangerous Force-sensitives can be when they panic. Ahsoka is holding herself together tremendously, but her mind has been through- is going through- some serious strain.

It's only a matter of time until she snaps.

"For my entire- entire life... I've wanted to," Ahsoka hiccups through her words, "wanted to make them proud... I just..."

"Feel unappreciated." Padmé finishes when Ahsoka is unable to, feeling a striking resemblance to her life as Queen of Naboo. "It's hard to be a young woman surrounded by older and more self-assured men, especially when they don't give you any credit for your competency."

Ahsoka nods through her tears.

"You're the most down to earth Jedi in the Order, and that's saying something considering I'm-" Padmé bites her tongue, "considering I get along so well with Anakin."

She wraps an arm around the girl, "You've saved my life on many occasions, Ahsoka, and I won't ever be able to repay you for your selflessness. Please, if you don't feel appreciated by the Council, feel appreciated by me."

The Togruta Jedi really doesn't get enough credit. No wonder she feels so betrayed by the Council right now. After years of loyalty to the Republic Senate, Padmé would be crestfallen if the Chancellor went behind her back like the Council did to Ahsoka.


"Once again, you have all distinguished yourselves in the eyes of the Republic," The Queen says, "and the people of Naboo are in your debt."

"It's all part of the job, your Highness." Anakin says, trying to act interested as he battles his inner demons. It feels like everyone's eyes are on the silka braid clipped to his belt.

He's had a very long week, and all he wants to do is sleep and be dead to the universe for a month.

"The Chancellor has decided to send most of the security detail back to Coruscant." Anakin says, turning to where Windu and Obi-Wan are approaching him. "With the threat now passed, I'll be all the security he needs."

"I disagree." Windu says, still decked in Hardeen's attire and sporting his face and voice.

"Of course, you do." Anakin's response is majorly out of line, but he doesn't bother backtracking. "Do you not trust me to protect him?"

Windu frowns, "Bang on, Skywalker. This mission has shown me I can't trust you or Obi-Wan to do your jobs properly. You," he points angrily at Anakin, "shouldn't have come to Orondia, and you," he turns to Obi-Wan, "shouldn't have let Tano take the shot for you. I've seen the security footage; you hesitated."

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