Chapter 2

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"Obi-Wan!" Ahsoka hears Anakin say over the rushing in her montrals, urgency in his voice. She blinks up at her Master, sees the tendons in his neck straining.

His hands are moulded around her neck and jaw, keeping her in a vice-like grip. Still, she wants to see if Master Kenobi is okay- as the sniper was aiming for him- so she lifts her head, only for Anakin's grip to tighten. "Stay still for me, Ahsoka."

"Master..." She manages to say through chattering teeth, "I'm scared..."

"I've got you." She can hear the reassurance in his voice, but it sounds forced. "Obi-Wan, snap out of it! Ahsoka needs help!"

There's nothing but silence for a few seconds, and she's about to cry out for her Grandmaster, when she feels a hand on her left knee. Gasping, Ahsoka tries to pull the limb towards her body, which only sends an excruciating pain through her entire leg.

Stay still, young one.

She whimpers, biting her lip to stop herself from screaming. She scrambles for her Master's presence in her mind to ground her, and Anakin responds, wrapping her up in a blanket of warmth and security. It doesn't make the pain go away, but it makes it tolerable- barely.

"Hang in there, Snips." Anakin breathes, like he's warning her.

They press something against her left shin, and any hope of remaining still for her Master vanishes. Ahsoka screams and arches her back- despite the agony it causes- as Obi-Wan presses on the wound.

Her screams turn into choked cries as the pain steals the breath from her lungs. Anakin floods their Force bond with peace and security, but it does nothing to help her cope with the pain. Tears gather in the corners of her eyes and start streaming down her cheeks.

Never, in her entire life and military career, has she been in this much pain.

She's been shot multiple times in the stomach at once, suffered bad concussions, and even had to get a lung drained in the field, but this is a whole new level of suffering.

"You need to stay still, Ahsoka." Anakin says, using the same stern tone he used after her failure on Ryloth. "Stay still and it won't be so painful."

Her chest heaves as she tries to calm herself. There's still a horrible pressure on her shin, but she tries to focus on her Master's voice like she does during a thunderstorm. He hasn't gotten her killed in this war so far, so she trusts he won't let her die like this.


"Deep breaths, there you go." Anakin praises Ahsoka as she struggles for air in her state of panic and pain. "You're going to be fine, I'm right here."

He looks up at Obi-Wan who removed his outer tunic to apply pressure to the wound on her leg to slow the bleeding. Hearing Ahsoka cry hurts Anakin to his core, but it's a necessary evil.

With the other hand, Obi-Wan orders an evac through his commlink, but his eyes look glazed over. Anakin frowns: it isn't like Obi-Wan to lose his head in circumstances like this. He's usually the calm and collected one.

He taps his Master's Force-signature, gets hit by a wave of panic and dread.

"Anakin..." Ahsoka calls his name before he can question Obi-Wan. Her breaths are short and laboured, "My back... it h-hurts..." He takes it as a small victory that she can feel her back.

"I know it does." He's had one spinal injury in his life, and even though it was minor, it felt like a gundark was prancing over his back. "The medics will be here soon. They'll have pain relief, okay?"

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