Chapter 11

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T/W: Suicidal thoughts, detailed violence and dark, scary Anakin


Ahsoka sits up in the middle of the night with the sensation of someone's hand around her neck.

She feels like she's suffocating, and there are a thousand knives being stabbed repeatedly into her back. Gasping from the pain, she reaches out to hit the Healer's call button behind her bed when-

The door bursts open, and Master Che sounds more concerned than she's ever heard her, "Ahsoka!"

She's enveloped in the Healer's arms, and before she can struggle and scream, Master Che penetrates her mental shields like they're nothing, blocking out the pain from her skull.

"Master..." Ahsoka rasps out, leaning heavily on the older woman and clenching her eyes closed. "Help me..."

Master Che hushes her, "Quiet, child; I've got you."

"Shall I get a sedative, ma'am?" Ahsoka hears a voice at the door over the rattling in her skull.

"No," Master Che answers, "Leave us; I'll settle her."

This isn't the Doctor who's been treating Ahsoka for the past week. This is an entirely different person. Healer Che isn't compassionate or warm, and now she's projecting peace towards Ahsoka like it's her job.

"Hurts, Master..." Ahsoka moans, her head pounding. "I don't know where, but it hurts!"

It is not your pain, young one.

She scrambles from her commlink, feeling fire ignite in her lungs whilst an icy fist curls around her heart, "Anakin!" Her voice cracks painfully.

"Ahsoka." Master Che pins her arms to her side, holds her in a firm grip. "Try to relax, child. Your Master's fine."

"No, he's not!" She cries, desperate to break free. She can feel Anakin's pain over their bond; she needs to get to him.

Master Che puts a hand on her forehead and only has to say one word, "Sleep."

Then, all Ahsoka knows is darkness.


Anakin's sees pure red.

He feels like he's back on Tatooine, stepping out of that hut after closing his mother's eyes. Obi-Wan looks at him with the same fear those Tusken Raiders held in their goggled-eyes.

His comm beeps, Master Che's sharp voice echoing around his quarters, "There better be a bloody good reason why you just scared your Padawan awake, Skywalker. If she wakes up from the sleep suggestion I just gave her, I'll be knocking on your door."

Kriff, Ahsoka.

He quickly blocks his bond to the Togruta, knows she won't be able to cope with all the emotions going through him right now. Heck, he can barely handle it.

She may not be feeling his rage anymore, but his fists are still shaking, and his jaw aches from how hard he's gritting his teeth.

Obi-Wan's expression is impossible to read but Anakin easily senses guilt and sorrow swirling around his Force-signature. There's also fear.

Fear of him

The darkness within Anakin says, let him be afraid.

He takes a deep breath.

"You better have a kriffing good explanation or else I will be leaving this Order by tomorrow morning and taking Ahsoka with me."

He dares Obi-Wan to say he's bluffing.

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