25. This or That

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"Day or night?"

"Night." He replied and I shook my head. Of course he would prefer night. Those nights of his still plagued my nightmares.

"Summer or winter?"

I pondered over his question for a second and answered, "Fall."

Chuckling, he nudged me with his shoulder, "That wasn't an option." He made a motion toward my full glass of beer and I groaned, taking a large chug. This game was a bad idea.

"Pancakes or waffles?"

"Hm." He pressed his lips together, raising one eyebrow, "I feel like if I choose waffles right now you'll suffocate me in my sleep... so, pancakes?"

"Smart man." I mumbled but blushed at his reminder of my morning cookout.

"Horror or romance?" He had the biggest smirk on his face when he asked that, knowing fully the answer to that question.

"Comedy." I muttered, taking another sip of beer before he could remind me again. All he did was laugh and sipped on his own drink.

"Ninjas or pirates."

"Oof, you're killing me here." He clutched his chest pretending like I'd mortally wounded him, "I'm gonna have to choose.... ninja pirates."

I raised one dubious brow at him and he just shrugged, finishing the rest of his drink and pouring another glass.

"Money or fame."

"Money, of course. No privacy and all that seems so tiring." I shook my head, imagining how it must feel when a horde of paparazzi follows your every step. The mental image was not pleasant. I liked being able to wear my couture outfits of dumpster clothes without the whole world judging me.

"Alone or with people?"

He was in thought for a moment which seemed weird to me. I'd expected the instant reply of with people to come spilling out of him the second I'd asked the question.

Slowly, he leaned closer to me, catching my eyes and trapping me in his intense gaze. My breath hitched as I got lost in the depths of those gray and yellow swirls of color. I was pretty sure I was going to have a heart attack if he didn't move away soon.

"With you." He said and my heart skipped a beat.

Keep it together, Aimee! He's just teasing you.

Clearing my throat, I managed to break eye contact and grabbed my glass in a rush. I chugged the bubbly liquid with eagerness and heard him chuckle next to me.

"I thought you weren't much of a drinker." He remarked, leaning against the back of the couch and giving me some much needed space.

"I'm not," was all I said because I could feel the beer I'd just chugged slowly make it's ascent upwards. After a few moments, the bubbly sensation subsided and I breathed out in relief. No more chugging for me.

"Warm or cold?" He asked, and I looked at him.

The way the entire right side of the couch was empty because he kept moving closer to me.

The way his arm was stretched across the back as if he couldn't get close enough.

The way he seemed to know what I was thinking without me even saying it.

The way I felt around him lately.



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