11. Fired Up

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After reading the same page of my Clinical Microbiology textbook about twenty times, I closed the book with a frustrated huff.

The sound of gunfire and muffled yelling was still audible even with the closed door but it wasn't the noise that distracted me. After all, having a roommate like Maddox I'd gotten used to studying in worse conditions.

Ever since this morning and finding out that Maddox was clearly smarter than I gave him credit for I've been frustrated. 

I'd always assumed that I was the one with the brains and he was the one with the sexual drive of a rabbit. He'd proved me definitively wrong on that.

He was a sex rabbit with a brain.

Clearly some people had it all. Good looks, good grades, good life.

And then there was me. An awkward turtle with the current energy level of a sloth, and yet I'd always had a competitive edge. That's why it was driving me mad that someone like Maddox Carter had self-taught himself fluent Mandarin when I was still struggling with my Spanish.

I shuddered when I remembered his remark as I was retreating back into my room.

"By the way, that was Mandarin." I could hear by his voice that he was baiting me but even so I turned around.

"What?" I frowned, glaring at him as he chuckled.

"The language. It was Mandarin, not 'Chinese'." He winked at me victoriously before turning back to his game.

I blushed in embarrassment and walked back to my room in a total daze.

A daze I was still in a few hours later. One filled with frustration, shame, and rage.

Maddox was pissing me the fuck off.

Every time I remembered his little self-satisfied smirk I wanted to murder him. With my knowledge of anatomy I was pretty sure it wouldn't be such a difficult task.

My phone pinged with a new message and I was instantly grateful for the distraction — regardless of who it was.

Checking the screen showed an unknown number and I frowned, pulling up the message. My frown quickly turned into a smile when I read it.


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Hey, girl, hey! How are you surviving quarantine?


It's Luna btw, omg, can't believe I forgot to say that.


Hiiii! Haha, I probably would have guessed it was you. 


It's been a challenge, haha. Thanks again for the toilet paper!

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