13. Game Night, Pt. 2

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You can do this!

I opened two bottles of beer and took a large chug out of one. Maddox was on the couch, idly flipping through the programs on TV before settling on a music channel. I saw him glance at the kitchen, eagerly awaiting his drink. There was no more stalling, this was it. Taking a deep breath I made my way to the battlefield and entered the living room.

"You sure took your sweet time." He reached out for the bottle before I could even sit down and I rolled my eyes.

"Last I checked, I wasn't your maid, Maddox." I muttered, taking a chug of beer and wishing I had immediately taken another bottle. I was going to need it.

"Hm, in case you'd like to change that though, I have just the outfit...." he said with a devilish note in his voice. I looked over at him and when he saw how serious my face was, his smirk quickly changed into a sheepish grin. "Okay, okay, no more sex jokes!" And then he quickly added, "Tonight."

"Whatever, let's get this over with." I let out a grunt and turned to face him, a deep frown on my face.

He burst out laughing and motioned to me with his hand, "You look like you're on your way to being decapitated. Relax, it's just a questions game." His voice sounded innocent. Too innocent.

"If there's one thing I've learned being your roommate," I said through narrowed eyes, "it's that there's no relaxing around you, Maddox Carter."

He let out another belly laugh before shrugging his shoulders, "I'll take that as a compliment."

"You definitely shouldn't," I muttered, rolling my eyes at his ever-positive attitude. It seemed like he was so confident that absolutely nothing could shake him. Which made me determined to find a way to smack that amused grin off his face.

Maybe this was my golden opportunity. Sure, I didn't want to actually know anything about Maddox but if I asked him some horrible and uncomfortable questions... He might just regret bringing up this whole game night.

"So, should I go—" He started speaking but I interrupted him mid-sentence.

"I'll go first." Normally, I sucked at these games. I was a curious person by nature so my conversations with people did occasionally feel like an inquisition. However, when I was on the spot and had to think up a question, my mind went blank because why wouldn't it. 

"What's the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?" It was a basic question but it felt like a good start.

Maddox's eyes widened and he let out a breath. "Hmm..." He rubbed his chin with his fingers, lost in thought. For a moment I wondered if he was going to lie but when he spoke all my doubts were cleared.

"You know that nightmare people always seem to have in movies?" I frowned at the weird question and was about to ask for clarification when he continues, "Like, being called out in front of class and standing there butt naked?"

"Ah, the classic, yes." I nodded in encouragement, increasingly interested where this was going.

"Yeah, well, for me that was more than a nightmare." He had a crooked smile on his face that didn't seem to reach his eyes. It was an odd look on his usually bright face. "I got called on in class when I was fourteen and then, well, someone pulled down my pants. Underwear included."

He grimaced when he concluded his short story and I had to smack my hand over my mouth to keep myself from laughing. The Great Maddox Carter with his pants around his ankles. This was gold, solid gold.

"Was it a prank from your friends?" I asked, shaking my head.

"Nope." The answer was immediate and he offered no further explanation which was a bit confusing.

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