24. Together

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"So, did I forget something?"

He leaned against the counter, a slightly worried expression on his face as I inspected the grocery store bags. Chuckling, I shook my head.

"Nope, you got everything this time. Even the toilet paper." I pat him on his shoulder happily, a smile pulling up my lips. "See, you can do it when you want to."

"Well, you said you trusted me, so you know, no pressure at all." He shrugged and winked at me. I instantly flushed a crimson shade. I hated how easily my body betrayed me.

Suddenly, he reached out and brushed my cheek, his thumb rubbing against the corner of my lip. My eyes widened as I stared at him and he smirked when he noticed my expression.

"You had a bit of toothpaste," he said, motioning to the corner of his lip, a mischievous look in his eyes. Then he chuckled, probably at my dumb reaction, bent down and started taking out the stuff he'd bought from the bags.

Internally beyond flustered but trying to keep my cool, I hurried to help him. We switched between the fridge and the cupboards with ease. Our close proximity made it impossible to avoid brushing against him though. I also noticed the way his hand hovered on the small of my back just a second longer as he placed items on higher shelves. And the way his hand brushed against mine when I handed him the groceries.

There was this distinct energy between us but it was different than before. It didn't feel like that magnetic attraction which coursed through me when he cranked up his charm factor. This was warm and gentle. Like a hot breeze on a cold night. This indescribable comfort spread through me and even though it felt so natural, my heart just wouldn't stop hammering inside my chest. It was like he calmed and excited me at the same time and I'd never felt that before.

Maybe it was still hormones, just shifting and changing. Maybe it was just the remnant of what happened yesterday that stayed between us. Or maybe....

I shook my head adamantly, refusing to go down that road. There was no way I was ready to even consider that—

"You okay?" Maddox asked, peering into my eyes. Of course he noticed that.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I answered, offering a small smile and avoiding the question.

"Hmm," he muttered and something flashed through his eyes. Sadness. Worry. Anger. His body stiffened visibly.

"What's wrong?" I instantly asked, sensing the shift in his demeanor. Setting down the last of the groceries, I focused my attention on him. He seemed reluctant to speak at first and warring emotions kept flickering across his face.

Letting out a sigh, he ran his hands through his hair before leaning against the counter.

"I called my dad when I was out. He didn't even check in with the doctors today. I knew he was a heartless bastard but I just don't get how he can—" He entwined the fingers on his hands when he spoke and I could see them visibly start to shake as the anger in his voice heightened.

I reached out, taking his shaking hands in my own and he exhaled, looking up at me. His eyes were red, tired, and it was clear he was barely keeping it together. Anger bubbled up inside me at this entire situation. After seeing him break down yesterday, I just couldn't understand what kind of father would let his son deal with this kind of situation alone.

No, not alone.

"Do you know which hospital she was taken to?" He nodded as a reply, tilting his head slightly at my question.

I let go of his hands, pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"Let's call them together."

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