Chapter 4

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The following weeks were both the happiest and the most stressful Leo had experienced since moving to Hellsalems Lot, which was saying something.

Being with Klaus was the greatest feeling in the world; seeing the man smile at him, or reach out and take his hand, or whisper sweet things to him when they were alone. As wonderful as it was, Leo still had a hard time believing it was all real. He found himself doing exactly what Klaus had warned him against. Namely, second-guessing himself and worrying about how Klaus might react to certain things he said or did. Thankfully, Klaus always picked up on his discomfort and would force him to talk through his worries, so he could carefully soothe them away. Klaus was the perfect person to offset Leo's occasional nerves and constant insecurities. He'd calm him with just a few reassuring words, or by his presence alone.

Leo also found himself supporting Klaus in ways that he'd never thought himself capable of. It all started when Leo realized he began recognizing his personal body language, and reacting to it.

Klaus took a lot of stress on himself, and tended not to show the effects of it outwardly if he could help it. To anyone. But Leo began to pick up on cues beyond the obvious ones like undoing a tie, sighing deeply, or going for an extra cup of coffee. A lot of Klaus' specific cues came from his eyes; they were overshadowed so much by his long red bangs, and then the frame of his glasses, that it was easy to miss just how expressive they were. Like when they went dead, unfocused, or generally distracted, Leo knew that meant he was very tired. When they were narrowed, and his fingers would rap repeatedly along his thigh, Leo knew he was working through a problem in his head.

A more obvious tell, one that Leo was growing to love, was when Klaus folded his hands together. Sometimes it was when he was thinking hard, and his hands were up by his face. But most precious was when he was standing, usually a little hunched under his broad shoulders, and clasping his hands politely in front of him. That posture screamed of uncertainty and vulnerability. Klaus would generally take that pose when he asked Leo if he wanted to go out and do something, or steal a kiss when they were alone in the office. It always humbled Leo greatly. To think that a man with such power, could ever care about what Leo thought of him to the point of such shyness.

Leo discovered that he could completely reinforce Klaus the same way Klaus reinforced him; by just saying a few words. Telling him how much he cared, or assuring him that he could handle anything that was thrown at him. Or even something as simple as telling him how much better he'd feel after a good night's sleep. The change that could come over Klaus after Leo said these words showed him just how important they were. He was learning so much about being a good partner from Klaus, even when the man wasn't demonstrating it directly.

However, on the physical side of their relationship, Klaus was taking it at a snail's pace. It was nearly a week before they had their first open-mouthed kiss, to say nothing of actually making out. That took two weeks in. Leo was at times upset with the slow progression of their physical interaction, but he was also enough of a nervous virgin to be grateful for Klaus' patience. They had never outright discussed the topic, but it seemed to Leo that it was always there, hovering in the background. Despite his doubts, Leo sometimes wanted it so badly he could hardly bear it. Klaus always cradled him in his arms or hands when they kissed, and it sent shivers of fire and arousal through Leo every single time. Klaus kept it as decent as he possibly could, even when they did kiss for a few minutes at a time. This was usually in the car when Klaus drove him, or outside of Leo's apartment, or the few rare moments of alone time they had in the back rooms of the office. Leo was coming to love the smooth scrape of Klaus' fangs over his cheeks when they kissed, as he'd been a little worried about it at first. They were blunt enough that they didn't hurt him, but they were both sure to be careful, just in case. They didn't really allow themselves to be 'wild' yet, though Leo couldn't deny that he was wanting that more with each passing day.

A Calculated Risk (~Leo x Klaus~)Where stories live. Discover now