Chapter 2

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Klaus blinked his eyes open as he slowly became aware of his surroundings once more. The slight tensing in his muscles faded as he recognized the feel of his bed, in his own room.

With a groan, he rolled his huge body over on the mattress and rubbed his cheek against the unused end of his pillow, where it was cooler. He sighed and glanced blearily up at the clock on the wall, the numbers and hands glowing in the darkness of his heavily-curtained room. The clock revealed to him that he'd slept for 10 hours straight, and yet he still felt tired. He let his eyelids close again, deciding to try for 11.

It hadn't been nearly as intense as the last time he'd sat through a Prosfair game with the mobster, but any amount of time spent playing against that literal monster took a great toll on him in every way. But it had been worth it. The hit would be called off. Leo was safe. Klaus smiled and let out a sigh of contentment at that thought. To sweeten the deal, Klaus would be informed if ever the same threat was made on Leo in the future. That had been worth every agonizing second of the three-day, two-night game. Klaus knew his recovery would take at least another day, so he hoped to be back in the office tomorrow. It took all his restraint, even as tired as he was, not to force himself out of bed. He wanted to head straight to Leo's apartment to make sure with his own eyes that the young man was safe.

From what K.K. had said when Klaus mumbled the details to her, Leo had been beside himself with worry for Klaus' safety, and was going insane not knowing what was going on.

"My dear boy..." Klaus breathed to himself aloud, as he drifted off once more. "Wait for me a while longer."


Leo was awakened on the beginning of the third day being locked in his apartment by someone pounding on his door and ringing the doorbell. He jolted upright in bed, having been startled out of a dream where he was running through an endless hall of black mirrors, looking for Klaus. The horror was shattered, and for that Leo couldn't help feeling grateful to whoever was causing such a disturbance. He climbed out of bed, rubbing at his face and tucking his feet into worn slippers. A glance through the peephole revealed K. K., looking very excited and bouncing on the balls of her feet. Leo unlocked and opened the door.

K.K. nearly toppled him with a huge hug, and she held on as Leo blinked and tried to recover from the sudden action. When she pulled back she still gripped his shoulders and looked right into his sleep-worn face.

"Klaus is ok." She said, in a calm tone that shook with the need to burst into a squeal. "He came back last night and gave me his report. He's safe, and now you're safe, and I'm just so relieved!"

K.K. hugged Leo again, this time rocking him from side to side and smacking a kiss on his pillow-lined cheek before she pulled back. Leo stared at her, blue eyes wide.

"He's ok?" He asked, reeling with the entire situation. "Thank god..."

"Sit down, I brought you some coffee and doughnuts. You'll need them for what I'm going to tell you next."

She steered the dazed-looking Leo toward his bed and made him sit down as she retrieved the coffee cup and brown bag she'd left by the door.

"Klaus might not want me to tell you this, but if I don't, you'll never get the full story straight from him. And I think you have a right to know exactly what's been going on."

A Calculated Risk (~Leo x Klaus~)Where stories live. Discover now