Chapter 6

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Leo sat perfectly still on the edge of the bed as Klaus carefully unwrapped the bandages from his calf, peeling the last layer off to reveal the nasty gash above his knee. There had been some extra bleeding from their 'activity' the night before, that had stained the very top of the white gauze rust red as it dried. Klaus winced on his lover's behalf, running a gentle fingertip across the unmarred skin just above the wound. It wasn't as deep as other cuts Leo had received in his time with Libra, but it was not pretty to look at.

"I don't know why they didn't give you stitches." Klaus said quietly, turning his attention to opening the antiseptic bottle and pouring it onto a cotton pad. Leo smiled fondly at Klaus' concern, trying not to think about how that purifying liquid would feel. He reached out and scratched one of Klaus' thick red sideburns.

"Just because it looks bad and bled a lot doesn't mean it needs stitching."

Klaus hummed in response, and hesitated as he poised his hand above Leo's leg, holding the antiseptic-soaked cotton pad. Leo smiled at him and touched his wrist lightly.

"It's ok, Klaus. I can handle it."

The bigger man took a deep breath as though he was the one bracing for pain, and then began cleaning the wound. Leo did his best not to cringe or suck in his breath at the deep sting, not wanting Klaus to worry any more than he already was. He bravely endured the cleansing, and then the re-bandaging. Finally, Klaus was finished, and held up the next item he'd laid out beside him in preparation.

"What's that?" Leo asked, cocking his head at the tube of what looked like plastic wrap.

Klaus' eyes seemed to gleam as he smiled slightly.

"You'll see."

He began to wrap Leo's calf with the clear, plastic-like material, and as it made contact with Leo's skin, it seemed to tighten on its own, clinging to his flesh like glue. Leo realized what this was. He suspected he knew why Klaus was wrapping him in it, but he said nothing, wanting to maintain the element of mystery. When Klaus cut the material off and tucked in the ends, Leo moved his leg a little, and found that the ends of the wrap moved with his skin and did not slip, as though it was affixed to his flesh.

"Allow me." Klaus said, bending over to pick Leo up in his arms. Leo gave a happy chuckle, clinging to Klaus' neck as the man carried him toward a door on the far side of Klaus' bedroom that Leo hadn't noticed before. As he had suspected, it led to the bathroom.

Klaus' bathroom... was nothing like the one in Leo's guestroom. It was far larger, in every sense. It was nearly as big as the bedroom, with rich gold and burgundy décor. The towels hanging on the tall racks looked like small blankets they were so large, and the sink and counter were placed far higher than normal. But the crown jewel of the bathroom was the tub. Even the shower didn't demand as much attention as the tub. Although, 'tub' was an inadequate description for what Leo found himself looking down at; it was set into the floor, with three broad steps leading down into it, like a pool. It reminded him of a hot tub, except it was oblong instead of square, obviously built specially for Klaus' huge body. A stand-alone tub probably wouldn't have had strong enough legs to support both Klaus and the water. This was a much more practical option for the man, even though it looked extravagant to an average-sized person.

A Calculated Risk (~Leo x Klaus~)Where stories live. Discover now