Chapter 3

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By the time the day's mission was over, it was early evening, and Leo was completely worn out. It had been a long day of giving chase after an alterworldly drug dealer who could duplicate himself into handfuls of decoys. Only the real dealer had the drug supply, and only Leo could see through the backpack to the glowing substance he was trying to escape with. Leo had ridden on Zapp's fast-weaving motorbike, had been thrown through the air by Chain when they needed to go over traffic, and then had to run on his own in the midst of it as well. All while yelling and directing the other two as to which of the constantly duplicating and scattering humanoid figures to follow.

They caught the perp in the end, but all three Libra members were left completely drained. They usually didn't have to chase someone for that extended period of time, but there was a first time for everything in Hellsalems Lot. It had been enough to rob Leo of the warmth of happiness from that morning, and what had transpired. Until Zapp recovered enough energy to begin teasing him while they rode back to the Libra building.

"So, how long have you and the chief been making out in the office when no one else is around?"

He called over the sound of traffic.

"Never!" Leo yelled back, affronted. Although, Zapp's question brought back the truth that technically Leo and Klaus were now a couple. Leo felt his face grow warm with disbelief and happiness despite Zapp's jeering. Zapp rolled his head as exaggeratedly as his voice.

"Oooooh, so you only make out in private, huh? His place or yours? Which is better?"

"It's not like that!" Leo barked.

"Probably Chief's," Zapp went on, ignoring Leo's protests, "I couldn't see him squashing his Colossus body onto your tiny-ass bed. But then again, you wouldn't both need to fit to do the deed."

"I swear to god I'd punch your guts if you weren't driving!"

"How the hell does that even work?!" Zapp asked, thoroughly enjoying his invincibility as Leo's driver. "The Chief's a giant and you're basically a friggin' gnome, how does he even fit his di-."

Leo snapped his eyes open and disoriented Zapp, forcing the sight of the sidewalk into his vision. He'd seen a stretch of the road open up before them, making it safer to make the move. If Zapp began whipping the bike around like usual, at least they wouldn't crash into anyone.

Zapp yelled wildly and tried to rub at his eyes, as though that would help. But he kept the bike straight. This was far from the first time he had forced Leo's hand this way.

"One more vulgar word and I'll make you drive straight to that casino you owe a fortune!" Leo threatened.

"Which one?!" Zapp called, horrified, then followed it up with, "Alright, alright! I'll shut up about it! Just give me my eyes back, man!"

Leo complied, seeing as they were coming up on the back of a truck. Zapp lurched a little as he readjusted to his own vision.

"Seriously, though, Leo, how long have you two been keeping the secret from us?"

Considering that question was a serious one, Leo sighed and answered, knowing he wouldn't gain anything by hiding it.

"We haven't. It's just been since this morning."

A Calculated Risk (~Leo x Klaus~)Where stories live. Discover now