Chapter Three: He Plays?!?

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It was almost the end of the day and Drew still has to turn in his sheet for the music club- he doesn't know if he wants to go anymore...

Drews Pov:

I just wanna get this day over with. My mind has been running in circles... Jake keeps looking at me- until he got up and went up to go talk to Hailey and Luke. "What is he doing?" I thought to myself. I started to Zone out again- all I can think about is Zander and his cute smile- "what's wrong with me?!!" I thought to myself over and over again.
I see Jake come sit back down as if he never got up in the first place-

"So- Drew..." Jake says to me as if he's gonna talk me down for something.
Yes Jake? I could hear the panic in my own voice...
"Your- gonna audtion? Sense when did you play anything?"
My mind went blank. I played piano when I was 6- 9 then I just stopped when my dad left us- Jake was waiting for me to respond

"Hello? Earth to Drew?"
Oh! Sorry... I was thinki-
"What are you even thinking about? This isn't like you at all?!"
I looked away from Jake and just started working on the project again- he glared at me and just started working again... I'm glad he didn't ask again I wouldn't know what to say...

The bell rang a couple minutes later and we were dismissed to our last class of the day. Closer to the auditions... I walk by myself to class humming a melody in my head. I decided to go to my locker and grab my ear buds I never use-
Soon class started. I slouched in my chair listening to a song. The melody was so harmonized with every single part of the piece. I look at the board and see notes. Soon I zone out- I start to mouth the words to the song. Soon I started singing the song- I realized and stopped as everyone in the room stared at me. I turned a bright red.
M- Mrs. May I use the restroom!!! I wait for her answer as she stares at me-
"S-Sure Drew..."

I got up and walked out of the room as fast as I could. I walked into the bathroom and washed my face- my music still playing.
"Why did I do that, whats wrong with me" I put my hands on my face and sat on the floor regreting even getting my earbuds from my locker.
A couple minutes later after sitting there listening to music I hear the bathroom door open to see a guy with Orange hair and a red Jacket on.
He seems like he's in a hurry
"Come on, no no no-"

We stare at each other. Lost in two different worlds. He stares at me sitting on the ground.
"D- Drew? What are you doing in here on the floor?"
Oh- uh I-

I couldn't think of what to say? How did he know my name? Until I realized...

Oh- uh hey Luke- how are you?
"I- I'm fine? Why are you on the floor?"
I wonder how Luke knows my name- I never talk to him? Could someone have told him about me?
Oh- I'm just... Listening to music...
"Oh- that's cool-"
What are you doing here?
"I- I'm just... Going to the bathroom?" Luke said that in a strange voice. That's not what he's here for is it...
Oh okay!
I got up and headed for the door but then Luke grabbed my shoulder-
I didn't know what to do- so I just... Froze?

"I was wondering... If you know where Zander was at lunch?"
Hes wondering about Zander? I blushed a bit and paused...

He- he was with me and Jake.
He looked at me as if I was lying but he just let go of me
"Oh-... Okay-"

He seemed stressed out about something... I waved bye and left the bathroom to head back to class.
I entered the classroom and sat down staying silent the whole time. And soon the bell rang. I got up extremely quick and grabbed my stuff. I walked out the room and headed to my locker.
I grabed my bag and the paper for the audition and walked to the music room.
I arrived at the room and knocked on the door. It stayed silent for what felt like forever until the door opened to reveal a pink haired girl standing in front of me.

Uh- hi... I'm here for the audition... I stood there waiting for her answer but she just opened the door and let me in without saying anything.
When I walked in I saw Zander and Jake talking. I blushed and looked at him.
Soon me and him made eye contact with his lilac eyes. They were so beautiful. Then he started walking towards me.

"Hey Drew, glad you could make it"
A blue haired girl stared at me as if she wanted me out.

Thanks I'm glad to be here- I handed my sheet to Zander and he stared at it for awhile. I thought something was wrong. Then Jake walked over and saw what instrument I put.

Instrument: Piano

"Alright let's hear it" He pointed to a keyboard for me to play on. I walk to the keyboard and I started to play.
Everyone was staring at me as I played and they didn't know what to say- even Jake looked shocked- I haven't played in so long that I got into it.

"I- that's so... Good." I heard Zander say. I started to blush then I finished.
"Drew you play so WELL!" I Blushed as Zander started to clap. Everyone stood there shocked.

"Drew that was amazing!!!" I blushed
Awe- thanks Zander
I smiled at Zander and had one thought

"I never thought I could love you"

I never thought I'd love you// Drander FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora