Chapter eight: Judgement

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The two were standing in the middle of the cafeteria as everyone stared at them. Zander and Drew could feel everyone staring at them, pushing weight down on them. They needed to get out.

Drews POV:
I didn't know what to think at the time. Zoey straight up embarrassed me in front of everyone- Zander probably didn't feel any better than me. I saw him looking at me as well as everyone else. It felt like a bullet went though my heart and brain- I couldn't feel or think anything.

"Are you okay- Drew?" Zander looked at me concerned and I could tell he was embarrassed-

"I'm fine Zander, don't worry about me-"
I shouldn't have said that... I should have known what was coming next- knowing Zander-
"Don't worry about you? Drew are you kidding, that's all I can do right now-" He put his hand on my face wiping my tears.
I felt so lost- I get Zoey was using me but did I actually sorta like her-? No that's crazy... After all I like Zander right-?

I got lost in my thoughts and by the time I looked up Zander was talking with Luke. I had no idea what was going on until I heard Luke asking Zander questions. Did Luke not know about us-?

"I thought you said everything was fine? If you had a thing going on with Drew, why didn't you tell me-? You never tell me anything anymore!" I heard Luke say sounding sad and mad at the same time-
I looked at Zander and he looked frozen- is he okay? Little did I know that Zander would just run out the room...

I looked at Luke as he stared at Zander running out the room.
"how dramatic." Luke went to walk away but I grabbed his arm not knowing what I was thinking. He looked at me and tried to tug away, but for some reason I didn't let go. What the hell was I thinking??!
"Do you mind letting go or do I have to make you?" What's gotten into him- isn't he supposed to be a nice guy like Zander said?
I let go of him before he did something and I looked at Luke. Everyone was just staring at us- my only instinct was to rush out the door.

I ran out the door and hoped to find Zander, but he was nowhere in sight.

Zanders POV:

I had nowhere to go- my only instinct was to run to the bathroom. I thought Drew would come after me but I guess not. I went and walked into the bathroom to wash my face. What was wrong with Luke- what did he mean I never told him anything?! He never tells me anything anymore!? 
"He never tells me anything anymore!!"

At that moment someone walked in- I didn't bother checking who it was until someone came and gave me a hug from behind- I looked up in the mirror to see Drew standing there.
I blushed and tried to act like I wasn't crying but- I knew he saw me. I didn't say anything and we just stayed there for a bit until Drew decided to speak

"I'm sorry Zander- it's all my fault"
I didn't understand what was his fault-
Did he think Luke yelling at me what his fault? I'm not even sure what Luke's problem was myself... I feel like I did something wrong and- I feel like Luke hates me now...
I felt Drew hug me tighter and start to cry. I didn't know what to think- what would Hailey think... What would Drews friends think?

We heard the bell ring and we looked at eachother. I guess we had to walk back to the cafeteria to grab our stuff...
This will go well....
We exited the bathroom and walked down the hallway that started to fill up with students. We could feel everyone's eyes staring at us even though half of them weren't. Drew saw Henry, Liam, and Jake walk down the hallway talking until they saw us- unexpectedly they pulled us to the side in front of a classroom where it wasn't as crowded.

"Dude- what happened back there?!" Henry said while Jake stayed quiet.
If I were Jake I would have stayed quiet as well. Liam started to speak and what he said sent chills down my spine- but... It probably effected Drew more.

Ahhhh I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting! I've had school work and- fan art to Draw. I'll be posting more soo yeah! -Itz_Ace

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