Chapter six: Quite a predicament

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It was Thursday night, the night Drew and Zander went on there first date-
It was really unexpected. Until soon there would be a problem...

Zanders Pov:

The night went on wonderful. Drew was one of the nicest guys I've honestly ever met- except Luke. Luke was a kind hearted guy. He had good ideas and was such a great guy, but Drew... He was different? He was kind- and seemed to have a good heart yet he bullied us for no apparent reason. Maybe I should just go to bed...

The Next Morning

I woke up like normal- mom and dad gone off to work Hailey getting ready... Normal. I got ready and sat on the couch waiting for Hailey like normal until while I was waiting my mind drifted off to Last night... With Drew...
Drew was so amazing that I couldn't get him off my mind. I didn't think he would ask me out of all people on a Date? I drifted off into my mind sitting there without a care...

"Zander let's go? What are you doing?"
I looked up at Hailey and walked out the door.
"Hey Zander, I didn't see you yesterday... Is everything thing alright?"
Shoot I forgot to tell Luke! Oh gosh. What do I tell him...
"Sorry Luke- I- had to go home and work on a Late assignment and I was- in a hurry that's all?"
D-Did I just lie to Luke?... What is wrong with me?!
"Oh that's alrigh Zander- I just got worried that's all"

We started to walk... Things felt different- but I didn't know what it was? Luke started talking about his day yesterday- I was really hoping he wouldnt ask how mine was- I really didn't wanna lie to him.
"Are you okay Zander? Your quite- quiet?"
I'm fine- just thinking...
"About what?"
Oh uh- you know school and... The music club, you know?

I feel horrible... I didn't wanna lie to Luke but- I feel like I can't tell him...
"Oh that's ok, I've been... Thinking about things too-"
Thinking about what?
"Oh uh same things as you actually-"
He looked worried... Lukes a bad liar...
Soon we arrived at school and had to go to separate classes-

I guess I'll see you later-
"Oh yeah! See you later Zander!"
I saw him smile at me

I can't seperate our friendship.

I never thought I'd love you// Drander FanficWhere stories live. Discover now