Chapter One: When were you so nice?

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It was a Tuesday Afternoon at Lunch time, everyone was getting there Lunch and sitting down with there friends. Zander went into the Lunch line to get his lunch as he forgot his lunch at home.

He sighs as he grabs his lunch and goes to look for Hailey and Luke

Zanders Pov:

Hmm- where could they be? I've skimmed the whole cafeteria.
Continues to skim the cafeteria front to back to see if he can spot Luke or Hailey

Maybe there doing something...
Spots Jake sitting with Drew, Liam, and Henry

Maybe Jake knows where they are-
I debate walking over to ask due to the fact his friends aren't that nice to us or our club, yet I have no choice.
Hey Jake- have you seen Hailey or Luke anywhere?

Jake looks around for a quick second and looks back at Zander.

"No, I havent actually- sorry Zander-" Jake said as I see Drew and Liam staring at me...

Oh, okay then... I better go aways-

"Hey, you know- you can just sit here with us?"

I Turn back around hearing the voice, surprised to hear Drew.

Oh- no it's perfectly fine- I don't wanna bother you guys. I didn't know what to say... Was Drew really- asking me to sit with him? This must have been some type of joke knowing them yet... I had this weird feeling that I had to accept.
Sure, why not! What am I thinking- this has to be some type of sick trick. Yet who knows, maybe they just wanna be nice for once.

I go and walk over to the table not knowing who to sit next to, so I settle and sit between Drew and Jake.

"Wow- Drew I didn't expect you to actually let him sit with us-" Jake said to Drew seeming extremly surprised, but honestly I was too- I never thought Drew would be the one to ask?

"Eh it's really not a big deal- I just thought Zander could come sit with us sense he couldn't find his friends? Just... Trying to be nice"

Wow, I've never seen this side of Drew before... It's- weird but nice-
I sit there and start to eat my food like I would normally do, not talking to anyone.

"So Zander" I hear next to me as Drew is trying to talk to me?

Oh- yes Drew?
"So you play piano right?"
Oh yeah I do? Why do you ask?
"Oh- just clarifying" He said that so strange as if he wanted to say something yet, couldn't?
I looked at him for a second as he went to scoop up some food, and looked down thinking "why was he asking if he already knew?" I stopped for a second and looked back up to Liam, Henry and Jake having a conversation.
Drew was sitting there poking his food with a fork, I thought "what's up with him?"

Are you- okay Drew?
Drew looked up looking like he was zoned out
"Oh, sorry I'm fine- just thinking. "
Okay- I Pause for a moment and wonder what he's thinking about...
Everyone at our table goes silent and looks at Drew and I
Drew looks up from poking his food yo see everyone looking at him-
He looks like he turned red

"I- what?"
"Are you okay Drew, your normally not this silent" Jake says as he giggles a bit
"I'm fine- I'm just thinking- okay?!"
Well what are you thinking about Drew?
I see Drew turn a bright red and giggle
"It's nothing important guys really-"

I hear the bell ring and see Liam, Henry, and Jake get up to put there tray away.

Uh- why aren't you going with them Drew? Is something wrong...

"Oh- no no... Nothings wrong just... Have a lot on my mind right now"

You know Drew... You can talk to me?
Drew looks at me surprised and smiles

"Really?" He got so happy...
Of course.
"Okay thanks! It's just... You seem nice and I just feel bad... For- bullying you and your friends"
I look at him shocked not expecting to hear that from him-
"I just- want to say... I'm sorry Zander"
I stare at him shocked not knowing what to say... I didn't know how to feel or what to do-
It's okay Drew- you apologized and...
I stopped my words realizing Drew just apologized... To me!!?
"You don't have to accept my apology... I underst-"
No Drew I accept your apology!

Drew looks at me surprised and smiles at me... I got a weird feeling after he smiled at me, like it made me- happy?

"Thank you Zander- now... We better get to class and put our trays away"

We get up and put our Trays away, and head to separate classes. I had this thought in the back of my mind... "Why did he apologize after so long..." I couldn't stop thinking about it. It was so strange for him to just apologize like that? If only I knew what was going on in his head...

I never thought I'd love you// Drander FanficWhere stories live. Discover now