Umm... Purple?

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Purple? Who is that? Who the hell is that?! I looked around, scanning the trees for another glimspe at this mysterious purple person. Suddenly, the world is spinning and all I could see was blue It took me a moment to realize I was on the ground and someone was on top of me. I pushed at the weight, who the hell doea this purple girl think she fucking is?! Oh shitm she has a hatchet. And it's going to chop off my head.

"Denise, really? Get off the poor girl." Raven said.

" You're forgetting something, Raven, I don't show mercy." The purple girl, Denise, swings her hatchet downwards and her weight is flung off me. I catch my breath as I hear a loud thump. I sit up, Raven and Denise both look at me.

" I think you may have cut out some of my thumb, Denise." Raven said.

"I think you've just scarred my arm, Raven." Denise replied. They both look at their bleeding injuries then at each other and started laughing. What the hell?!

"Sparkles, this is Denise. Denise, this is Toxic Sparkles. You two shall tolerate each other or you will be attacked by my birds." Raven treatened.

"Like i'm afraid of your birds!" Denise scoffs. Within a second, Denise is swarmed by ravens, they seem to be trying to peck her eyes out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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