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I had just reached back home from school when I saw my front door open. It was unusual and I felt a knot of dread in my stomach. I crept into my house, feeling like an idiot, and was grabbed from behind. I tried to scream but the man who had grabbed me clamped his hand over my mouth. The guy was dragging me down to the basement. it was dim but I could make out my mum, dad and two sisters tied to chairs. The guy behind me dumped me into a chair. I struggled as he tied my hands and legs. "it's okay." My mum said. But that was an outright lie. A man in a ski mask walked up to my mum with a knife in his hand. He raised the knife and stabbed her. I screamed and screamed as he stabbed my family members repeatedly. I screamed until I was hoarse. After the two men made sure that my family members were dead, the two men left.

I found a loose end in the knot that bound my hands. I untied my legs and stumbled out of my house. The image of my family covered in their own blood huanted me. I ran, I tried to out run the memory but I couldn't run from it. I ran until I reached the forest. I dropped to my knees from fatigue and the weight on my shoulders seemed to get heavier. I cried and cried, when I had no more tears, I curled up against a tree trunk, feeling empty. Then suddenly, I felt anger, I was pissed. I had never been so angry before. I felt something I had never felt before, I felt the need to kill.

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